2024年10月15日 星期二

Nature's Secrets


This afternoon we took our usual stroll on the hillside.

Along the winding trails that climbed up and down the slopes, we came across familiar sights: green and yellow leaves of all shapes and sizes, the pink blooms of the "Beauties" trees (美人樹), and the striking blossoms of the Tung-oil trees (油桐).

Beyond the hillside plants, I also noticed fresh weeds sprouting in the water ditch, cleared out completely by the strong typhoon that hit a few months ago.

There must be secrets hidden in these leaves, these flowers, and the tall and short trees on the hillside, as well as in the new weeds growing in the ditch. Nature always holds marvelous secrets, just waiting to be discovered!

= = =
相關文章 (See also):
1)  風雨後的......     (2024)
2)  Nature's Dance     (2024)
