聖路加堂 2024 聖誕夜 禮拜
Last year, Jean and I spent Christmas in Hualien with our son, daughter-in-law, and two grandchildren. This year, we are doing the same, cherishing the most meaningful moments of the year together as a family!
As in 2023, my family and I participated in St. Luke's Christmas Eve Service this year. My son, Rev. Antony, served as celebrant and preacher; my daughter-in-law, Anita, served as a member of the altar guild and a greeter; and my wife, Jean, read one of the scripture lessons. My eldest grandson, James, was the acolyte, and I served as the LEM (Lay Eucharistic Minister). Of course, many other members of the congregation contributed actively before, during, and after the service. For example, a young man nicknamed "Ah Go" delighted everyone by dressing as Santa Claus and distributing Christmas gifts to all who attended this evening's event.
We have all been richly blessed by the Lord's grace. May this Christmas season remind us of how deeply and eternally the Lord Jesus Christ has loved us from the very beginning!
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相關文章 (See also):
1) 平安夜禮拜 (Christmas Eve) (2023)
2) Christmas Day Worship Service (2024)
3) St. Luke's Musical Celebration (聖誕音樂會) (2024)