2024年12月25日 星期三

Christmas Day Worship Service


In Taiwan, Christmas isn’t a public holiday, so schools and businesses operate as usual. Yet for Christians, it remains a deeply meaningful occasion to celebrate the birth of Jesus, our Savior.

Many churches refer to this day as "The Nativity of Our Savior" and mark it with special worship services. At St. Luke's Church in Hualien, we as a small but dedicated congregation have also come together on December 25 for a solemn service. Through scripture readings, prayers, hymns, and Holy Communion, we proclaim the joyous news of Christ’s incarnation.

Christmas is more than a time to give thanks for God’s grace; it’s an opportunity to reflect on His love for the world. Inspired by this love, Christians seek to share its true meaning by spreading the message of hope and salvation through Christ.


教會對此節日,比較正式的稱呼是「救主聖誕日」,因為在我們的信仰中,耶穌就是基督 (英文 Christ; 希臘文 Χριστός / Christos),在希臘文裡,基督就是 "救主" 的意思。

花蓮聖路加堂雖然是個規模不大的教堂,在「救主聖誕日」(12/25) 這天,還是舉行了正式的崇拜(禮拜),藉著莊嚴隆重的儀式,包含讀經、禱告、唱詩歌、領聖餐等等,再一次宣告「道成肉身/耶穌降生」的大好消息。沒錯!我們除了感謝讚美主的恩典,更要因著「神愛世人」的緣故,學習並分享「愛」的真諦,向這世界大力宣揚主基督的福音!

= = =
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