2010年11月24日 星期三

Everybody Loves Little Bee (小蜜蜂人人愛)


This is a happy day, a day so richly blessed! Great-grandma comes to see Little Bee. Grandma's sister comes to see Little Bee. The daughter of Grandma's sister comes to see Little Bee. Even Auntie Erica, who lives in the downstairs apartment, comes to see Little Bee.
這是歡樂無限、幸福滿滿的一天。「阿祖」(祖母的媽媽)來看小蜜蜂;姨婆來看小蜜蜂;姨婆的女兒(叫姑姑?或是阿姨呢?)也來看小蜜蜂。連住樓下的 Erica 阿姨也看小蜜蜂來了。

Great-grandma had given Little Bee a gift of hongbao (red envelope with money in it) a couple of days ago when she came to the postnatal care to see Little Bee for the first time, and yet she comes today with another hongbao as a gift. I tell her that there is no need for her to give the little babe this second hongbao, for her coming from afar to visit us is a big and precious gift of hongbao. She doesn't have to spend more money on gifts at all. However, great-grandma says that she wants to give him a second hongbao -- just because she's so happy in doing so!

Oh, dear Lord! I thank you very much for giving me such a sweet family, and for so many enjoyable moments like today's meeting: Now we are truly having Four Generations in the Same Room (四代同堂). Oh, Lord Jesus! May your grace (with the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit) be forever with Little Bee's great-grandma, and with all his other relatives and friends!
啊!主耶穌!感謝祢賜給我溫馨甜蜜的家庭,又賜我諸多歡樂的時光 ;此時此刻我們四代相聚一起,正是祢的恩惠啊!祈求主耶穌的恩惠,上帝的慈愛,聖靈的感動,常與我們同在,並且祝福著所有跟小蜜蜂有關的人,包括阿祖、姨婆......等,直到永遠。

As you can see, everybody loves Little Bee, and Little Bee belongs to everybody!

A special note: Today is the birthday of Little Bee's father, my son, but when I took the above pictures, he was working in his office, not at home.

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