2010年11月26日 星期五

Grandpa vs. Grandson -- 阿公逗孫?


看完下列七張照片後,請試著作答 --- 這是選擇題(答案可複選):
This is a multiple choice test. Would you like to try and choose the correct answer(s)? Remember, it is possible to have more than one correct answer.

(           ) 1、由下面的照片,可知何者為正確? (1) 阿公孫  (2) 孫子阿公  (3) 公孫 [= 看誰厲害 . . .]  (4) 以上皆是  (5) 以上皆非。
(           ) 1. Judging from the following photos, I am sure that (1) the grandpa is teasing his grandson, (2) the grandson is playing with his grandpa, (3) the grandpa and grandson are competing with each other, (4) all the previous statements are correct, (5) all the previous statements are wrong.

The right answer to the above question is seen far below

No matter what you have chosen, you're completely correct.

恭 喜 你 啦!

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