2011年1月17日 星期一

大蜜蜂小時候 -- Little Bee's Father, My Son!


There is a proverb in English: A wise goose never lays a tame egg. We do hope that our new generations will be better (or stronger) than us. But more significantly, we would like our younger generations to be so richly blessed that their individual life is a true success; that is, under God's guidance and help, each of our offspring will be healthy and happy, living in safety!
俗話說:虎父無犬子。我們總是希望一代比一代強。不過我們更期盼自己的後生晚輩,在屬於他們的「人生旅程」中,能夠福氣滿滿、一路順遂。為了我家子孫 ,琴與我天天祈禱,求上主賞賜恩典,讓他們個個有平安、有健康、有喜樂!

Well, it seems that Jean and I have paid all our attention to Little Bee since he came to our family. In fact, we have also cared much about our son and other family members -- When my son was small, he was very cute and lovely, just like Little Bee! My mother, when seeing Little Bee for the first time, was very excited and said, "Ah! This baby looks so much like his father!" "Of course, he does." I replied, "There's a proverb saying: You qi fu bi you qi zi (Like father, like son)."
自從小蜜蜂出生那一天起,琴與我的生活焦點,似乎時刻不離這個討人喜的「小不點」。其實,我們關心的是兒子(小蜜蜂之父)的全家 ---- 對了!兒子小時候,跟小蜜蜂一樣,非常可愛。我母親第一眼看見小蜜蜂時,極為興奮地說:「啊!這嬰仔,好親像伊老爸!」我說:「兒子像老爸,理所當然啦;俗語不也說嗎?有其父必有其子。」

Following are some of the photos that I cherish, which were taken when my son was small -- Can you imagine how time flies? My son is now father of Little Bee!
從以下的照片,可清楚看見我兒子小時候的模樣 ---- 光陰似箭,你能想像嗎?他現在已結婚生子,成為小蜜蜂的爸爸了。

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