2011年4月24日 星期日

復活節快樂(之一): Happy Easter, Little Bee!


Little Bee was baptized last night. His parents (our son and his wife) as well as my wife and I were so very happy about that. We were (and really are) most grateful to the Lord for giving us such a lovely boy. Now that the little boy, being six months old, has officially become a member of the Church, let us all continually love and guide him, just as the Lord Jesus Christ has constantly loved us so much.

This morning we took Little Bee to church to celebrate the Easter Day, the most important annual religious feast in the Christian liturgical year. This was Little Bee's third time to be at St. James' Church, in Taichung. We happily said to him, "Happy Easter, Little Bee!" -- Oh, yes! Happy Easter Day to you, my first grandson!

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