~ 攬月吟風 ~
演出日期:2016 年 10 月 13 日(星期四)
演出時間:晚上 7:30 ~ 9:30 (七點進場)
演出地點:台中市中山堂(台中市北區學士路 98 號)
演出曲目:分為第一單元「凌雲攬月」和第二單元「把盞吟風」,共有 23 個節目。舉例如下:
(01) 序曲:月亮代表我的心 performed by 四度C樂團(主唱:尤麗雲) (02) 月出(詩經 . 陳風) (03) 水調歌頭 by 蘇軾 (04) 青玉案 by 辛棄疾 (05) 宣州謝眺樓餞別校書叔雲 by 李白 (06) 一剪梅 by 李清照 performed by 四度C樂團(主唱:黃月琴 [Click and listen]) (07) 靜夜思 by 李白 (08) 春思 by 皇甫冉 (09) 嫦娥 by 李商隱 (10) 楓橋夜泊 by 張繼 (11) 景薰樓觀月 by 林獻堂 (12) 臨江仙 by 楊慎 (13) ....
Last night there was a classical poetry recitation (formally called 大漢清韻 105 年度詩詞雅樂發表會) held at Taichung Zhongshan Hall (台中市中山堂), located at 98, Xueshi Rd., North District, Taichung City.
The performances started at 7:30 p.m. and lasted about 1.5 hours, including the reading, chanting, and singing of over twenty pieces of poetry (some called shi and others called ci in Mandarin). These poems were not presented in Mandarin Chinese, nor in the modern Taiwanese; but they were chanted and sung in the traditional Hô-lo̍k (河洛), a language that is believed to sound much more similar to the traditional language which was popular in the times when the recited poems were written -- mostly in the Tang (唐) and Song (宋) dynasties.
Because Jean (my wife) took part in the performances, quite a number of our good friends and some of her former students, as well as my mom and our daughter-in-law and our grandson Little Bee and me, went to the Hall as part of the audience. We did have a wonderful time last night, watching so many good poems presented on the stage in such an impressive way!