2022年5月19日 星期四

Why Writing? (寫作緣由)


I told my wife that I wanted to do more creative writing than I used to, but she told me not to. "Many so-called creative writers," she said, "especially fiction writers -- they are likely to end up with physical or mental problems." 

She then mentioned such names as Sanmao (三毛) and Earnest Hemingway (海明威). Oh, no, a fiction writer, or any other type of writer, doesn't have to commit suicide to conclude their life. On the contrary, writing can be a useful (and practical) tool to enrich or beautify one's life.

Several years ago, I received an email from Creative Writing Now talking about "writing goals." I remember it was on Epiphany -- January 6th. I immediately copied the email and kept it in my blog for self-improvement. Now I think it's worthwhile to reread those "suggestions" for achieving the goals of my creative writing:
  1. Try something new.
  2. Read for inspiration.
  3. Be fearless.
  4. Call yourself a writer.
  5. Treat your writing as important.
  6. Have fun.
  7. Live the life you want. 
Besides, here are the "30 reasons why writing is important" that I've just found on the Internet. Perhaps some of these are exactly your personal reasons for writing:
  1. Writing is an essential communication skill.
  2. Writing every day builds discipline.
  3. Creative writing engages both sides of the brain.
  4. It helps you think through problems.
  5. Written word influences society.
  6. We wouldn't have our history without writing.
  7. Everyone has a book inside them.
  8. Journaling benefits mental health.
  9. You're more likely to achieve written goals.
  10. Improvements come from practice.
  11. Well-written works are respected more.
  12. All excellent communication stems from excellent writing.
  13. Your thoughts are more organized.
  14. It gets your To-Dos out of your head.
  15. Writing clarifies your ideas for yourself and others.
  16. The audience matters.
  17. Writing forms bonds with others.
  18. Writing is a legitimate career.
  19. Writing is an important work skill.
  20. Written reflection helps us define better paths forward.
  21. Writing your fears and worries shrinks their impact.
  22. Concise writing quickly transmits ideas.
  23. Writing cements ideas.
  24. Regular writing improves vocabulary and other communication skills.
  25. For some, writing is a fun pastime.
  26. Writing lets you explore other options.
  27. Understanding how to write can help you read between the lines.
  28. Every single company needs good writers.
  29. Writing improves social skills.
  30. No one else can write like you.
Whether you are a reader or a writer or -- well, a "reader AND writer," I hope you'll find a lot of fun doing your reading and/or writing. Good luck to you, dear friends!

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1)  Writing Goals     (2016)
