2024年8月20日 星期二

《功成身退》~ Eternal Thought!


🕗 作品標題(中文):功成身退
      = Gōng chéng shēn tuì / Retire after Success!

🕙 作品標題(英文):The Beauty of a Shabby Chair
      = 破舊椅子的美麗 / 斷椅之美...

🕒 作品標題(梵文)01:शाश्वतविचाराः
      = shashvatavicharah / 永恆的念想 / Eternal Thoughts!

🕟 作品標題(梵文)02:अनादित्वं न विद्यते ?
      = anaditvam na vidyate ? / 永恆不存在? /  Eternity does not exist?

🕥 作品標題(讀者自訂):______________________

Note: This morning, I noticed some broken chairs in the northern part of my Home Base. They had been placed there, leaning closely against the wall of a neighboring house. One of the old, shabby chairs stood out to me—it looked like a beautiful work of art. In my eyes, it's a masterpiece, deserving of a thoughtful title, or perhaps even several. Would you like to help title the photo of this retired chair, as I have?

= = =
相關文章 (See also):
1)  《行道樹》     (2018)
2)  鏽出來的美學     (2018)
3)  For My Imaginative Readers     (2022)
