2024年8月31日 星期六

Visiting My Mother-in-Law


Once again, Jean and I visited her mother, my mother-in-law, who is now in her nineties. She seemed a little tired today, sitting in the living room as we chatted with her. She asked Ah Ya (阿雅), her caregiver from Indonesia, to buy us two lunch boxes.

My mother-in-law didn’t order anything for herself, saying she wasn’t hungry at the moment. However, when Jean offered her the sweet lotus soup we had made especially for her, she agreed to have some.

Jean and I are aware that her mother is aging and visibly weaker than before. We’ve been wanting to spend more time with her, knowing that our company brings her comfort. We sincerely pray that the Lord our God abundantly blesses her, despite her Buddhist and Taoist beliefs.

= = =
相關文章 (See also):
1)  家族聚餐 @ 西海岸餐廳     (2024)
2)  年初三 Family Reunion     (2022)
