2024年9月15日 星期日

夜景 (The Moon, the Lamps, and...)


In the evening, Jean and I took a walk along Meilun Creek (美崙溪) after our grandsons finished practicing the piano in the church downstairs.

We were pleasantly surprised by how much their piano skills had improved. Shine, our younger grandson, had also made great progress with his viola lessons. Just last Friday, we brought a new viola for him to Hualien. We also told James, our older grandson, that we'd be happy to buy him a violin—or another instrument—when he decides to start learning.

As we strolled along the creek with the boys, we enjoyed the bright moon, framed by drifting clouds, and admired the lamps’ reflections in the water. I was especially drawn to those reflections—they looked so mysteriously enchanting.

= = =
相關文章 (See also):
2)  美崙溪:燈光倒影     (2023)
3)  《美崙溪畔月朦朧》     (2023)
