2021年1月26日 星期二

The Sunflowers Became Egrets!


Last Friday we passed by some sunflower fields on the way to Asia University Hospital. The sunflowers were blooming like thousands of smiling faces in glory. So very eye-catching! And I thought that in two or three days we should come to them with a camera.

Here we came this afternoon. With a zoom lens camera, I wished to take pictures of the "Sun Flowers" in the beautiful sunset. To our surprise, there was nothing left on this piece of land, which had just been plowed. When I looked around for any possible Flora and Fauna (i.e. plants and animals), I found that the sunflowers in the fields had become hundreds of bai-lusi (白鷺鷥) -- usually called "little egrets" in English. They were either feeding in the plowed fields or flying around in the low sky!     (哇!田裡的向日葵已變成數百隻白鷺鷥。)

= = =
相關文章 (See also): 白鷺鷥、紅蜻蜓:共 3 組     (2010)
