2021年2月13日 星期六

走訪亞大 (On the Campus of Asia University)


Yesterday we had to change the "destination" of our visit from Yongwang Farm to another place.

We had planned to visit Yongwang Farm, where we presumed that there must be chickens, sheep, and "wild bores" for visitors to see; however, when arriving at its entrance, we were surprised to know that the Farm was close. No way to get into it!

In just a few seconds we decided to turn and visit the campus of Asia University instead. And, as you may have guessed, we still had a very good time yesterday -- on the first day of the first lunar month of this Year of the Ox.


= = =
相關文章 (See also): 搭 243 號公車 → 亞洲大學    (2019)

(以下照片,我是按照實際活動的先後順序上傳,但不知道為什麼,在本篇部落格中呈現的,竟然完全相反,先上傳的出現在最下面,後上傳的反而在最上面;本來想在最後面增列四張 Antony Liang 拍攝的[有我在內的照片],現在,這四張增補的照片卻跑到最前頭來了。怪哉!)
