2023年1月21日 星期六

Happy Chinese New Year!


Happy Chinese New Year! . . . Here's a photo taken (by my son) this evening, at the end of the Year of the Tiger. By sharing it with you, I wish you (all my friends and relatives) a new year of Peace, Joy, and Health. Yes, may you have a prosperous new year -- the Year of the Rabbit!

~ ~ ~ 玉兔迎春;福兔迎祥;揚眉兔氣;奮發兔強;前兔似錦;鴻兔大展;金兔賀歲;兔來運轉;好運兔U;兔年安康!~ ~ ~

= = =
相關文章 (See also):
2)  除夕留影     (2021)
3)  除夕,讚!     (2020)
