2023年1月16日 星期一

Our Last String Lesson in the Year of the Tiger


虎年 最後一堂 提琴課

Today we had our last string lesson of the Year of the Tiger. The venue, or location, was still at the Dadu Presbyterian Church. -- Thanks to the church for allowing us to use its beautiful space for the monthly rehearsal!

After practicing for an hour, we took a short break, took pictures, and then continued to practice until noon. -- Thanks to our teacher Mr. Bi-Le Wang for teaching us to play a new section of Mozart's serenadetoday!

There are new decorations inside the church to celebrate the Dadu church's 120th anniversary. Inspired by the festive spirit, we decided to stand or sit together for photos with the festive decorations. We all invited our teacher and his wife to sit behind the rectangular frame (see the first photo!) to express our gratitude and respect to them. Oh, yes, thank you dear teacher for being so patient with us "old students" who are slow to learn "new skills"!

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Note: If you like, click and read for more information about Eine kleine Nachtmusik, [ˈaɪnə ˈklaɪnə ˈnaxtmuˌziːk] (Serenade No. 13 for strings in G major, K. 525) composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791). The German title means "a little night music"; in Chinese, it's known as 莫札特 "G大調第13號小夜曲".

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相關文章 (See also):
2)  學琴首日     (2018)
3)  聖路加堂 聖誕音樂會     (2022)
