2011年7月21日 星期四

田莊所在‧布蘭卡民宿 (A Very Relaxing Afternoon in the Countryside)


Day Three: A very relaxing afternoon and evening in the countryside.

Antony and Anita stayed at Howard Beach Resort, Kenting most of the time in the morning. They had not had a sound sleep last night because, as we later realized, the tourists staying upstairs (in the room right above theirs) had caused lots of loud noises -- those people having drunk too much and become "very impolite" almost all night long, according to the hotel counter staff. So Jean and I suggested that Antony and Anita take a longer rest before we went out together for today's sightseeing.

Our traveling (sightseeing) could be very flexible, indeed. We could change our schedule (or itinerary) whenever we felt we needed to. As a subsequence of our "overstay" inside the hotel in the morning, we chose to go and explore in the afternoon a countryside coffee shop that we had never been to before, which is called Tianzhuang Suozai, literally meaning "countryside" or "where a grange is."

At first I was not very sure that we were able to find the mentioned coffee shop. (Its name Tianzhuang Suozai was the only information that we had learned about it.) But we did find it at long last, by means of the new device (In-Car GPS Navigation System) that had been attached to our new Toyota RAV-4.

By the way, it was this afternoon that I was determined to learn from Atony (my son) how to play the World-of-Warcraft card game.
