2011年7月10日 星期日

A Combined Service + Photos of Three Generations Under One Roof


This morning we had a Chinese-and-English combined service at St. James' to celebrate its 15th anniversary as a parish. Bishop David Lai (賴榮信主教), Rev. Peter Chen (陳德沛牧師), Rev. Elisabeth Wei (魏斐然牧師), Rev. David Chee (徐子賢牧師), etc., came to this special service, during which the rite of Confirmation was performed for some people who had been baptized. Bishop Lai gave an impressive sermon before the Confirmation. After the Confirmation was done, he gave each "newly confirmed" person a silver cross as a gift. He then gave one to Jean and one to me as well, saying that we had both contributed a lot to the editing of the Memorial Book (See the photos below), which every visitor coming to St. James' this morning and all our congregation members would be given a copy of.

I was one of the two LEM's for this combined service, the other one being Mr. Samuel Chen our senior warden at St. James'. I was both delighted and excited to participate in the celebration. What's more, I was happy to have photos of 三代同堂 (Three Generations Under One Roof) taken right after the service. It was the first time for five of us -- Little Bee, Antony, Anita, Jean, and me -- to be photographed together!

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