2017年4月23日 星期日

The English Congregation(照片轉貼)

-- David Puckett, Elaine Lai, and Jerry Liang --    .
Pictures on this page were originally shared by Elaine Lai, who came to St. James' English service for the first time. She said she was very pleased to start joining us in both the Sunday worship and the coffee hour right after the service. I was very happy about her coming, because she is one of the SJEG group members. (This small group, organized by me, meets in this same room for Bible study every Friday night from 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.)

By the way, today is the 2nd Sunday of Easter, and the gospel for today is from The Gospel of John, chapter 20, verses 19 to 31, which was composed of three sections: (1) Jesus appears to his disciples, (2) Jesus and Thomas, and (3) the purpose of this book. While David preached a sermon this morning, he did not preach it in the usual way. He pretended that he was the "doubting Thomas." In an interesting and meaningful way David did a lively role play! I was excited to hear such a sermon, which seemed to be given by Doubting Thomas, but not by David. -- And Elaine says she was excited about that, too.

感謝 Elaine Lai 透過「LINE/連我」在
SJEG 英文小組 和 St. James' Church 兩個群組
中分享下列照片,我要轉貼並說一聲 THANK YOU。
