2020年11月10日 星期二




節目片段 轉分享

Here is one of the programs presented at the Zhongshan Hall, Taichung City, on the evening of November 10, 2020. It's Xin Qiji's "He Xin Lang" (賀新郎) sung by my wife, Jean Huang, who was also one of the two MC's for this Classical Poetry Recitation (led by Mr. Yaoyun Wu, 吳耀贇老師).

Thanks to Ms. Bizhu Xie for making the video below; and many thanks to Mr. Lingji Zhao for sharing the following photos. ---- 感謝  影音錄製:謝碧珠老師拍照留念:趙令級老師

= = =
相關文章 (See also): A Private Rehearsal

2 則留言:

謝坤松 提到...

師母,太精采了。台上 10 分鐘,台下10年功,唱作身段,金價午告讚。

Mookoo Liang 提到...

Thank you, Pine.