2020年11月19日 星期四

Walker Cafe (行者咖啡)


Jean and I were very pleased to come to Walker Cafe (行者咖啡) together with my sisters Xiuzhi and Xiuqing today. This was Jean's and my first time to be here.

Located at the starting point of the Song-Bo-Lun Trail (松柏崙步道入口), Walker Cafe is a good place to visit. The address of it is No. 25 - 12, Guoxing Rd., Beigang Village, Guoxing Township, Nantou County (國姓鄉北港村國姓路 25 之 12 號). You may stay here for just a couple of hours enjoying good coffee and snacks; if you like, you may also stay here overnight -- by camping in the woods behind the main building of Walker Cafe!

My sister Xiuzhi has been to Walker Cafe several times, sometimes alone and sometimes with her friends. She told me she had even taken Mama here sometimes. Oh, if we had taken our mom here again this morning, how happy we would have been! -- Alas, our mom is so weak that she has to stay in the nursing home now.

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