(The Orchids Seen at St. Luke's Today)
This morning during the worship service, I was surprised to see so many orchids in the church. I asked Rev. Antony Liang, "How come there are so many orchids here?" He said, "They were left after Uncle Zhang's memorial service a few days ago to decorate the church. They are stunning, aren't they?"
(The Symbolism of Orchids)
Zai Zhonghua wenhua (中華文化) zhong, lanhua xingxiang gaojie, chang wei wenren suo geyong (蘭花形象高雅,常為文人所歌詠), liru: Guqin (古琴) qu zhong you "Youlan" (幽蘭) yi qu; er Qu Yuan (屈原) zai "Li Sao" (離騷) zhong yong lanhua anshi ziji de zhongzhen (忠貞), caihua (才華) yu meide (美德). Lingwai, lan yu mei, zhu, ju hecheng "Si Junzi" (蘭與梅、竹、菊合稱四君子).
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相關文章 (See also):
1) The New Ministry! (2022)
2) 新居祝福暨點燭禮 (2023)
3) We're at St. Luke's Church Again (2024)