Congratulations to Garret Jones, Blake Jones, Eva Jones, and Darvin Budhrani on their Holy Baptism!
Today is the First Sunday after the Epiphany, a day when our church traditionally celebrates the Baptism of Our Lord. We are especially joyful to witness several members, including four from the English congregation, receiving the Sacrament of Baptism today.
Below are photos I took this morning during the English service, which began at 9:30 a.m. (Photos of those baptized later during the Chinese service would be taken and shared by others.)
I want to thank Laura Moye for kindly taking my role as the LEM this morning. Since I’ve been dealing with a cold and felt like coughing at times, her support was a great help. In our church, we care for one another like members of the same family. For this, we give thanks and praise to the Lord.
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相關文章 (See also):
1) Holy Baptism (聖洗禮) (2021)
3) Holy Baptism on Easter Day (2021)