Today, January 13, 2025, marked a truly special milestone for the Camel Class of Chiayi Teachers Junior College as we celebrated 50 years since our graduation. This reunion, held at the Provincial Council Memorial Park’s “Yi Lu” in Wufeng, Taichung, was filled with warmth, laughter, and cherished memories. The joy of reconnecting with old friends and reliving our shared history made every moment unforgettable.
From the lively morning greetings to a delightful lunch where we exchanged stories and shared heartfelt toasts, every part of the day reminded us of the strong bonds we share. One highlight of the celebration was the exciting “drawing lots” activity, where special gifts provided by some of our generous classmates brought added joy and cheer to the gathering. We are truly grateful for their thoughtfulness and contributions, which made the reunion even more memorable.
In the afternoon, we explored the scenic campus of Asia University, enjoying its stunning architecture and peaceful surroundings while chatting, singing, and snapping photos together. As I share these 50 photos, I hope they convey the joy, laughter, and camaraderie we all experienced today. Here’s to treasuring our past, celebrating the present, and looking forward to many more reunions in the years to come!
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The reunion invitation letter is reproduced below:
嘉義師專 國13班 駱駝同學會
(發文日期: 民國113年11月13日)
2025 – 1975 = 50 這是一道奇妙的算術題,您看出其中的深層意義(deeper meaning)了嗎?
回想今年初,我們在嘉義長榮文苑及南故宮的「相見歡、一日遊」,至今仍覺得印象鮮活,滿心歡愉。沒錯!我們要不斷地「重拾駱駝同窗情,再續駱駝緣!」~~~~~~~~~轉眼又到了秋天了,想念駝兄駝嫂的心情,早已讓住在中部的一群駱駝,集合在一塊兒,仔細看待 2025 – 1975 = 50 這串數字的特殊意涵,並且齊心規劃了另一次精采可期的「相見歡、一日遊」。
§ 報名截止日:請於今年11月30日前完成報名,以便餐廳訂位。
§ 活動時間:西元2025年 1 月 13 日(星期一)
§ 活動地點:台中市霧峰區
§ 活動流程:
- 10:00 ~ 11:30: 報到、繳費、相見歡、領禮物。完成報到後,可在園區散步、賞景,約於11:50回到「議蘆」。
- 12:00 ~ 14:00: 午餐。在「議蘆」中餐部用餐,餐前(或餐後)拍攝大合照。
- 14:30 ~ 16:30: 參訪亞洲大學。在寬廣美麗的校園中,邊走邊聊,或盡情高歌,享受美好的悠閒自在,隨手拍照留念。(建議:再拍一幅大合照?)
- 大約16:30: 活動圓滿結束,賦歸。
§ 注意事項:
- 請穿著適合散步的服裝、鞋子,最好有傘,或戴帽子,防日曬。
- 搭乘高鐵來台中的同學,若須接送服務,請事先連絡我們,並於當日9:30在高鐵台中站集合,以利車輛之安排。
- 報名方式(二擇一):可用電話連絡,也可逕將下面所附的「回條」寄回。
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相關文章 (See also):
1) Planning Camel Reunion (2024)
2) The Camel Class Reunion, 2024 (2024)
3) A Camel Brother Remembered (2024)