2024年6月30日 星期日

Anniversary of a Marriage


結婚 20 週年祝福禮

Time: Sunday, June 30, 2024
Venue: St. James' Episcopal Church, Taichung

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I would like to share a message:

"Congratulations, Tingwei and Lillian, on your 20th wedding anniversary! As you celebrate this special day with a Renewal of Vows, may God's blessings continue to shine upon your marriage, filling your lives with love, joy, and peace. Wishing you many more happy and blessed years together."

Here is a Bible quote that I'd like to read today and share with Tingwei Hsueh and Lillian Yen, as well as with all other married couples:

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails." (1 Corinthians 13:4-8)

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相關文章 (See also):
3)  Best Wishes to the Newlyweds!     (2023)

2024年6月29日 星期六

音樂水車 @ 北港村


Zuijin chang xia yu, hubo han heliu de shuiliang chongpeile xuduo; jumu suojian, huacao shumu ye dou dedao yushui ziyang, xiande xinxinxiangrong, lü yi angran.

Keshi, tianqi yue lai yue re, women zhende hen xiang wang shanzhong pao, rang shenzi ganjue liangkuai xie. Wang nar qu hao ne? Xin siang, wode jiaxiang Guoxing ying shige bishu de hao quchu.

Jintian, women jiu yaoqing Zheng mushi ji shimu tongxing, qule yi tang Beigang Cun de "Yinyue Shuiche" (Music Waterwheel at Beigang Village). Ganxie Zhu! Zai nage chongman "huiyi" huo "huainian" de lao difang, women si ren zai yiqi, duguole da-ban-ri "zui youxianzizai" de meihao shiguang!

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相關文章 (See also):
1)  同登阿罩霧山     (2022)
3)  Life Is like Reading a Novel     (2023)

(影片長度僅 18 秒, 歡迎點閱)

2024年6月28日 星期五

Morning Visit to Mr. Zhang


I visited Zhengxing Zhang this morning.

He and I have been close friends for many years. Although we rarely met, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, I must confess that I've thought of him often in recent years. I heard from other friends that Mr. Zhang's health had deteriorated significantly. This decline is why he preferred not to, or was unable to, go out and meet people; crowded places, especially enclosed spaces, posed a risk of infection for him.

I started missing him very much and wondered if it would be okay for me to visit him. I called him the other day, expressing how much I missed him. I assured him that if I visited, I would stay for just an hour or less to avoid tiring him out. He thanked me for my thoughtfulness and welcomed me to his house this morning at around 9 o'clock to "relive old times."

We need to meet and chat more often. We have a lot to share, given our similar backgrounds and life stories. Both of us are Hakka (see the notes below), so we can even converse in the Hakka language. Despite our different religious beliefs—he is a devout Buddhist and I am a church-going Christian—we have always enjoyed chatting freely for hours. Our conversations have always been about sharing, never about quarreling or criticizing.

To my surprise, my neighbors Rev. Cheng and his wife asked for a ride this morning when I was leaving for the visit. They wanted to join me in visiting Zhengxing Zhang, our mutual friend. My wife had revealed my plans while chatting with them last night. As a result, the four of us paid a short visit to Mr. Zhang this morning.

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Notes on "Hakka":  
(Taken from English Wikipedia)
  • The Chinese characters for Hakka (客家) literally mean guest families. The Hakka people are thought to have originated from relatively northern provinces, particularly Henan (河南) and Hubei (湖北). In a series of migrations, the Hakkas moved and settled in their present areas in Southern China and from there, substantial numbers migrated overseas to various countries throughout the world. The worldwide population of Hakkas is about 80 million to 120 million.
  • Today, Hakka is one of the official language of Taiwan. But like other official languages such as Hokkien and Formosan languages, they do not have the de facto special status of Taiwanese Mandarin (Guoyu)."
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相關文章 (See also):
1)       (2010)
2)  塗居會 at Pinococo     (2015)

2024年6月26日 星期三

Meeting Friends at Guoguang (or KKES)


Laopo wen wo yao buyao gen ta yiqi qu Guoguang Guoxiao (Kuo-Kuang Elementary School); ta shuo jintian shi "Si Du C Yuetuan" (4 Degree C Band) de qimo lianyihui, chuncui liaotian, bu lian chang, ye bu tanqin; jie xialao, tamen jiu yao fang shujia, jiu gen xuesheng qi ba yuejian fang shujia yiyang! 

Wo shuo, "Na hen hao a! Wo xiang gen ni yidao qu!" Wo zao jiu renshi Si Du C Yuetuan de mei yiwei chengyuan, dan haojiu haojiu mei canjia tamen de juhui le. Nenggou zai jiandao tamen, dahuor xiangju yikuair, xu xujiu, queshi shi jian yukuai de shi.

Jintian chuxi de, lian wo zai nei, zonggong cai ba ren, baokuo Bizhu, Liyun, Shuhui, Su Ling, Zhuyi, han Lingshu. Tingshuo yizao Liqing songle dianxin guolai, zhuanshen jiu hui jia qule. Ta gang yu COVID-19 quezhenzhe you jiechu, danxin ba bingdu chuanran women. Zhen ling ren gandong! Er chu ci zhi wai, hai you ji wei Si Du C chengyuan yin gu quexi jintian de juhui, zhen jiao wo gewai sinian a!

~~ 本文所附照片皆為舊作, 僅供回味 ~~
Attached are old photos, not new shots!

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相關文章 (See also):

2024年6月23日 星期日

A Family Serving Together!


It's the 5th Sunday after Pentecost, and I was very excited to see Rev. Charles Chen and the Wang family when joining the English service this morning.

Our rector, Rev. Lily Chang, invited Rev. Charles Chen, our "rector emeritus," to celebrate Holy Eucharist at the English service today. She hopes he'll continue to come as celebrant on the Sundays when she is out of town, celebrating at a new mission church in Hsinchu (Xinzhu).

If you look at the photo above right, you'll see some of the ministers in today's service: In addition to Rev. Charles (standing in the center), there are Mr. D. J. Wang (LEM), his wife Daphne Hung (usually serving as a greeter), and their two daughters Claire Wang (preacher for today) and Sandy Wang (today's 1st reader). It's indeed a beautiful picture of the whole Wang family showing up at the Sunday service together!

In fact, all the people who come to the service are just like a big, sweet family that glorify our Lord. As Jesus taught, all of us are one, connecting to each other while remaining in the Lord God.

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相關文章 (See also):
2)  We Are Ready for Christmas!     (2018)