2024年7月31日 星期三

七月底影音紀錄:The Singing of the Birds!


包含 including...
  1. Typhoon Gaemi (凱米颱風) from July 22~25;
  2. The Leaking Ceilings (天花板漏水) here and there;
  3. The Singing of the Birds (兩隻鳥對唱... 直到歌聲被強烈颱風吞噬.....), which my wife recorded just before the typhoon reached us!
While I have been eager to keep (and share) the recording of the two birds singing, Jean and I were saddened to find their bodies in our front yard on the morning of Sunday, July 28, as we were leaving for church. It was clear that the powerful Typhoon Gaemi had caused the death of these small creatures.

= = =
相關文章 (See also):
1)  Who Is Singing?     (2020)
2)  挑水古道的《啁啾》     (2023)
3)  《鳥鳴澗》詩中有畫     (2020)
