2024年7月9日 星期二

夜市 ● 糧 ● 下大雨


This evening, the whole family (including my grandkids and their parents) went to "Liang" (糧) for dinner. To our surprise, the space in front of the restaurant, which is usually a parking lot, turned into a bustling night market on Tuesday. So, I dropped everyone off, drove the car back home, and then walked to "Liang" to join them for dinner.

Fortunately, "Liang" isn't far from our home, and we had a delightful meal. It's rare for my grandkids and their parents to return to Wufeng, so being able to have a meal with them was especially enjoyable.

After dinner, we were planning to walk home together, but it started pouring rain. The downpour was so heavy it was almost impossible to move. I thought about asking them to wait while I went to get the car. I borrowed an umbrella from the restaurant, but my son took it and firmly said, "I'll go. You all stay here, rest a bit, and enjoy the unique sight of the 'Night Market in the Rain'!" (... 我向店家借了把 "愛心傘"。兒子卻伸手接過傘,堅定地說:「我來!你們都在這兒歇歇腳,順便欣賞一下眼前的《雨中夜市》奇景!」)

= = =
相關文章 (See also):
1)  西瓜、柳橙、奇異果     (2016)
2)  Happy Father's Day!     (2023)
