2024年7月21日 星期日

Ms. Katherine Preaching at St. James' Church


Ms. Katherine Cooper from the UK preached at St. James' Episcopal Church in Taichung, Taiwan, today—the 9th Sunday after Pentecost.

She focused primarily on Psalm 23, sharing her insights and life experiences about the relationship between the shepherd (God) and his sheep (Christians), following the verses sequentially from Verse 1 to Verse 6.

Though Taiwan doesn't have as many sheep as the UK, the imagery of a shepherd caring for his flock was vividly brought to life. Coming from a farm village in northeastern England, Ms. Katherine described and illustrated these scenes exceptionally well. It was her first time preaching at our church, and I was eager to hear what she had to share. My curiosity kept me attentive throughout her sermon.

After the English service, we enjoyed a pleasant Coffee Hour downstairs. The atmosphere was filled with excitement and lively conversations. We all cherished the time spent with our dear brothers and sisters at St. James'. I was particularly delighted to reconnect with Mr. Christoph Wu (吳方志), his wife Yuni Fan (范玉妮), and their son Conrad (康芮). It had been a long time since I last saw them, as they had moved to the UK. I recalled that Conrad and my first grandchild, Little Bee, were classmates at St. James' Kindergarten (Preschool) years ago. How time flies! Both my grandson and Conrad have grown so much taller!

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相關文章 (See also):
1)  Rev. Nicky Chater Preaching     (2016)
2)  A Good Time in a Good Place     (2013)

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The six photos below are 
shared by Elaine Lai.

The six photos above are 
shared by Elaine Lai. Thanks!
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