2013年8月20日 星期二

在「安徒生」劃一個分號 -- It's Not a Full Stop



Yesterday I invited my co-workers at St. James' (and my family) to the Andersen Restaurant for lunch. As far as I saw, Andersen Restaurant was very attractive to us all -- not only to children, but also to adults!


Thanks be to Ms. Kitty Wu, who arranged the meeting for me. Here and now I'd like to hand the relay baton back to Linda (Rev. Philip Lin's wife): I have been acting as director of St. James' Community Service Center since July, 2012. I suppose that it is time for me to give this title (or post) back to Linda, because her son Daniel's health has been much better now and therefore she can carry the director's responsibilities again.

必要時,我還是會 give a hand 的 ---- 所以我說:我並非劃下什麼完美的「句點」(a full stop),而是標註一個有意義的「分號」罷了!

Well, I'm always willing to help, when needed. What I want to say at this point is this: I'm not marking a so-called "perfect period" -- No, it's not a full stop that I'd really like to write down. Instead, I'd just want to mark a semicolon which carries some special significance!
