2022年3月30日 星期三



感謝 D. J. Wang 和 Daphne 邀請 Annie Tsai 及我倆 今天到草屯的「光與鹽」(Cafè La Luz & Sal) 享用午餐。這裡食物好吃,特別是西班牙燉飯 (paella);而我最感興趣的,卻是這家餐館的名稱「光與鹽」(語出聖經)。

猜想餐館主人應是基督徒吧?沒錯!Daphne 證實店家夫妻倆都是虔誠的主內青年,他們給大家十分親切的印象。

飯後,我們一行五人來到霧峰,在「省議會紀念園區」散步,邊走邊聊,真是美好極了。---- 此刻,且讓我複習一下《馬太福音》第五章,有關「光與鹽」的經文,如下:

You are like aslt for the whole human race. But if salt loses its saltiness, there is no way to make it salty again. It has become worthless, so it is thrown out and people trample on it.

You are like light for the whole world. A city built on a hill cannot be hid. No one lights a lamp and puts it under a bowl; instead it is put on the lampstand, where it gives light for everyone in the house. In the same way your light must shine before people, so that they will see the good things you do and praise your Father in heaven.

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Thank you, Annie, for sharing 
the following two photos. 

2022年3月28日 星期一

Flowers at Ringo-Tango


The pictures of the flowers on this page were taken last Friday at Ringo-Tango (林果 ● 探戈), a nice coffeehouse (café) where my sisters and I have been to many times.

I was attracted to these flowers when Jean and I stopped by Ringo-Tango on our way home from the Happy Flute trip to Sun Moon Lake...

(If you're interested in that trip, see my recent posts "Mt. Maolan" and "The Wenwu Temple" for the depiction of our Happy Flute outing on March 25.)

Why did we stop by Ringo-Tango last Friday? Well, on our way home, it occurred to Jean that she and I should invite my sisters there for supper, as my 1st and 2nd sisters both live near Ringo-Tango. We contacted them on the cellphone; however, they strongly suggested that we "drop in" on them for supper -- at my 2nd sister's home!

So we quickly left Ringo-Tango with just a cup of coffee for each. Plus, as you can see below, I had taken a few pictures of the flowers before we left there.

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1)  不知名的草花     (2021)
3)  林果 ● 探戈     (2019)

2022年3月25日 星期五

The Wenwu Temple: 隨 "悅笛" 遊文武廟


Continued from my previous post where you may see more photos! (點閱前一篇貼文看更多照片。)

Gen "Yuè Dí" de pengyou yitong chuyou shi hen yukuai, hen meihao de shiqing. Jintian women zaidu zaofang-le Rìyuètán (日月潭): Shangwu yiqi deng Maolan Shan (貓囒山), zhongwu zai "Ri Yue Canfang" (日月餐坊) yongcan; xiawu ze zhuanwang pofu-shengming de Wenwumiao (文武廟). Zai nili tamen laidao "houshan" de yizuo liangting-li, kaishi "tuanlian" Da Han Qing Yun (大漢清韻) de gequ. Wo meiyou canjia tuanlian, que daochu zou yizou, kan yikan, shunbian pai yixie ziren hen youyisi de zhaopian. (我沒參加團練,卻四處走,東瞧西看,還順手拍了些蠻有意思的照片 -- See photos below.)

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