2018年7月31日 星期二

Summer Event No. 7: 學會新技能


Acquisition of a New SkillAt the end of July, 2018, James succeeded in this     💃💃💃     for the first time. I don't know what this exercise or performance is called in English; no, I still have no idea what to call it even in Chinese, my native language. But, whatever it should be named, my first grandson was now successful in moving from one end to the other of the metal structure (or steel framework) that stood in the park, which I think can be used to exercise the arms, the upper part of the body, etc.

(See the film below.)

(See also the following film.)

The man in this film said,  
"I am strong, am I not?" But there is a secret here:
My feet are on the ground, because the framework 
(metal structure) is just too low for me! ... Hahaha! 😁😂😅😆"

=    =    =  More to share as follows  =    =    =

2018年7月29日 星期日

Evening Prayer (晚禱)


This is taken from The English Wikipedia

Evening Prayer is a liturgy in use in the Anglican tradition celebrated in the late afternoon or evening. It is also commonly known as Evensong, especially when the office is rendered chorally, that is, when most of the service is sung.
It is roughly the equivalent of Vespers in the Roman Catholic Church and the Lutheran churches, although it was originally formed by combining the monastic offices of Vespers and Compline. Although many churches now take their services from Common Worship or other modern prayer books, if a church has a choir, Choral Evensong from the Book of Common Prayer often remains in use because of the greater musical provision.
Evening Prayer, like Morning Prayer (Matins) and in contrast to the Eucharist, may be led by a layperson, and is recited by some devout Anglicans daily in private (clergy in many Anglican jurisdictions are required to do so).

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Note: In the photos below, you'll see that the evening was closing down tranquilly, and that when the natural light [in the sky, etc.] was gradually fading, the artificial lights [on the roadsides, in the buildings, etc.] will light up one after one! ... Such a nice mixture of natural light from overhead and a whole system of artificial lighting has made the real scene of which I took pictures:

What would you say about these following photos? 
What would you say about the real scene? 
What are you going to say (or sing) 
in the Evening Prayer today? 

2018年7月28日 星期六

「安立甘主義」課程:About the Anglican Communion


聖公宗(聖公會)是一個 _________。
The Anglican-Episcopal Church is ________.

1. 古老的教會 An Ancient Church / 2. 改革的教會 A Reformed Church / 3. 新教的教會 A Protestant Church / 4. 重視聖經的教會 A Biblical Church / 5. 禮儀崇拜的教會 A Worshiping Church / 6. 聖洗禮的教會 A Sacramental Church: Baptism / 7. 聖餐禮的教會 A Sacramental Church: Holy Communion / 8. 宣告信仰的教會 A Confessing Church / 9. 福傳的教會 An Evangelical Church / 10. 有秩序的教會 An Orderly Church / 11. 大公的教會 A Catholic Church / 12. 有隱憂的教會 A Church on the Fault Lines / 13. 尊榮女性服事的教會 A Church That Honors Women in Ministry / 14. 尋找恩典與真理的教會 A Church That Seeks Grace and Truth

以上所列,為第 1 至 14 章的標題;最後 第 15 章的標題為:聖公會的明天如何
Above are the titles of the first 14 chapters; the 15th chapter is entitled What Lies Ahead.


2018年7月23日 星期一

I Love You (愛你)


"I love you, Dear."
"I love you, Deer!"

Every time I passed by the sculpture of the two deer kissing each other over there (see photos), I would either glance or stare at them AND at the same time whisper in the sounds of silence, saying: "I love you, Deer!

And I'd want to say to all my relatives and my good friends: "I love you, Dear!"

And I'd sincerely give thanks to God our Heavenly Father, and say, "I love you, Dear Lord."

2018年7月18日 星期三

Summer Event No. 6: 早餐會


This was an enjoyable breakfast event (or so-called "breakfast meeting"). We met at Yi Yuan Tang (or literally Arts Garden Hall -- 藝園堂 南屯店) in Taichung City, for breakfast ... and for something more!

In this meeting Jean, a member of Four Degrees C (四度C樂團), was happily chatting with her good friends from the same band. And James, our 1st grandson, met with Xiao Bo, the only other boy who had come here with his family (His mom Peixin is also a member of Four Degrees C.) Look! How nice it was for James to meet and play and chat with someone of a similar age! -- By the way, a big Thank You to Mr. Fang (方國龍老師) for his spending time with these two kids!

2018年7月17日 星期二

Summer Event No. 5: 遠足、郊遊


When we set out to take a walk, Jean sang this song and James sang along: 

走走 走走走 我們小手拉小手
走走 走走走 一同去郊遊
白雲悠悠 陽光柔柔
青山綠水 一片錦繡

I knew this children's song. But when I heard Jean singing it, I felt like laughing; I thought the phrase 小手拉小手 -- at least this very phrase (which means small-hand in small-hand) should be modified. In fact, it was not two (or more) kids walking hand in hand, but it was grandparents and a little boy walking hand in hand. So I thought 手拉小手 should be changed into 手拉小手, meaning "a big hand holding a small hand" or "the big and small hands holding each other". (By the way, can anyone translate the above nursery rhyme into English? It seems no easy job to do!)

Praise the Lord. We had a good time walking through the woods in Hou-Shan Park (後山公園 or literally, Back Hill Park); we really enjoyed ourselves there this morning. Many thanks to the One who created heaven and earth, mountains and hills, the fresh air, bright sunshine, and the various types of trees, etc., etc.