2023年7月31日 星期一

愛 ● 喜樂 ● 生活


Here are a couple of verses from the New Testament that touch on the themes of love, joy, and life.
  1. Love: "And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love." (1 Corinthians 13:13)
  2. Joy: "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!" (Philippians 4:4)
  3. Life: "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." (John 10:10)
These verses highlight the importance of love, the call to rejoice in the Lord, and the promise of abundant life through faith in Jesus Christ.

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In the New Testament, is there any verse that combines these three themes in one sentence?

While there isn't a specific verse in the New Testament that directly combines all these themes of love, joy, and life in one sentence, several passages do mention them in close proximity. One such example is:

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance (= patience), kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness (= humility), and self-control. Against such things, there is no law." (Galatians 5:22-23)

[Note: The nine qualities mentioned above can be translated into Chinese as 仁愛 (or 愛心), 喜樂, 和平, 忍耐, 恩慈, 良善, 信實 (or 忠信), 溫柔, 節制 (or 自制).]

This verse speaks about the fruit of the Spirit, which includes love and joy, and implies a life filled with these virtues as a result of the Spirit's work in a believer's life. It doesn't explicitly mention life, but it does highlight the qualities that contribute to a fulfilling and fruitful life in Christ.

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Talking about "life," I was wondering what the phrase "everlasting life" really means. And one of the best answers I got was as follows:

In the context of Christianity, the phrase "everlasting life" refers to the concept of eternal life, a life that lasts forever, beyond the boundaries of time and the limitations of this earthly existence. It is a central theme in the New Testament and is often associated with the promise of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.

The belief in everlasting life is based on the teachings of Jesus, who spoke about this concept throughout the Gospels. It is emphasized that those who believe in Him, repent of their sins, and accept Him as their Lord and Savior will have eternal life, and they will be reconciled with God, enjoying an unending relationship with Him.

The assurance of everlasting life provides comfort and hope to believers, knowing that death is not the end, but rather a transition to an eternal existence with God in heaven. It is a fundamental aspect of Christian faith, reflecting the promise of God's love, grace, and mercy to all who trust in Him.

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Now, in this context, what does the earthly life mean? (I was eager to know the difference between the eternal life and the earthly life!)

In the context of the concept of everlasting life, the earthly life refers to the finite and temporary existence we experience on this Earth. It is the life we live from the moment of birth to the moment of physical death. This earthly life is characterized by its impermanence, subject to the passage of time, and filled with various experiences, challenges, joys, and sorrows.

For Christians, the earthly life is seen as an opportunity to make choices, to grow spiritually, and to develop a relationship with God. It is a time to seek and follow God's will, to show love and kindness to others, and to live according to the teachings of Jesus Christ.

The belief in everlasting life gives profound meaning to the earthly life. It serves as a reminder that our actions, decisions, and attitudes in this life can have eternal consequences. It encourages believers to live purposefully, striving to honor God and serve others, knowing that their actions in this life can have an impact on their eternal destiny.

While the earthly life is limited and temporary, the hope of everlasting life offers Christians the assurance of an eternal future with God, free from pain, suffering, and sin, where they can experience His love and glory for all eternity. This perspective on the earthly life shapes the way believers approach challenges and trials, seeking to live with faith, hope, and love in anticipation of the greater, everlasting life to come.

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相關文章 (See also):

2023年7月30日 星期日



山路上的草木 顯然
幾張 "雨後~~~" 留作紀念。


  • "風景" 和 "風情" 是不一樣的東西。
  • "風景" 是「中性的」(neutral),無關任何主題,山是山、水是水、樹是樹、風是風、雲是雲,不會把任何一個東西歸類到一個主題上,這就是 "風景"。
  • "風情" 是有「主題」意義存在的,例如:吃咖哩飯,似有「印度風情」;吃壽司、生魚片,穿和服,蠻有「日本風情」;吃漢堡、熱狗、薯條,喝可樂,則有「美國風情」之類。總之,有一種「符號、情感、味道、顏色」的組合,會讓你覺得「好像是什麼」、「好像在哪裡」,這就是 "風情" 啊!
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相關文章 (See also):
1)  雨後春?     (2020)
2)  雨後即景     (2019)
3)  雨後池邊見:共 3 組     (2010)

2023年7月22日 星期六



平 安 吉 祥!

Jia zhu Qingshui de jiejie (Jean's sister) liangge xigai zuijin tongshi kaidao, xingdong-shang xiangdang bu fangbian. Haozai, shoushu guocheng shunli; hui jia xiuyang de zhe jitian, ye you xianzhude jinbu, yijing keyi jiezhe "si-jiao zhuxingqi" (walking aid with four legs) zai yilou keting, woshi, han chufang zhi jian, manman yidong jiaobu le.

Ganxie Zhu! Wo han Yueqin dou qiqiu da you nengli de Shen, baoshou jiejie "zao ri kangfu". -- Shide, women youzhong zhufu jiejie, ji qi jiaren, jin-hou de mei yitian dou shi "pinan, jixiang" (平安吉祥).

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相關文章 (See also):
1)  A Short Visit to "Wu Lu"     (2021)
2)  Taiwanese Opera (歌仔戲)     (2011)

2023年7月20日 星期四

山中小溪 -- "Secret Realm"?


A mystery? -- What kind of "secret realm" is that? 

My sisters always describe that remote place as their "mysterious place" to visit. They do visit the section of the creek in the mountains quite often. By "quite often" I mean "at least once a month."

They have told me the beauty of the scenery over there, saying that they don't really want other people, especially the "outsiders," to know the place, so that they can keep it as their own "secret realm," a clean, quiet, charming area free from distractions!

But very certain is this: My sisters welcome me (and my wife) to go there with them some day. I'd loved to follow them to explore the real creek, real rocks and stones in and by the creek, and all the greenery that grows freely around them... I saw the unique beauty of the "Secret Land" in the photos that were shared by my sisters. But as you know, I'd be very excited to see what it really looks like, to experience the "beauty of reality." -- Now it's my turn to share a few pictures of the natural garden with you and my sisters! (Note: The photos were taken half a month ago.)

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相關文章 (See also): Life Is like Reading a Novel     (2023)

2023年7月16日 星期日

St. James' Church 53rd Anniversary (堂慶~聯合禮拜)


St. James' Episcopal Church, Taichung

A Chinese-and-English combined service
to celebrate the 53rd anniversary 
of the church's dedication

Time: July 16, 2023, starting at 10:30 a.m.

Ministers in Today's Service: 
  • Celebrant & Preacher: The Rt. Rev. Lennon Yuan-rung Chang;
  • Assistant: Rev. Lily Chang;
  • Eucharistic Ministers: Rev. Dr. Charles Chen, Rev. Sam Cheng;
  • LEM: Emily Cheng;
  • Acolytes: Yu-An Lai, Shao-Hua Weng, Shawn Wang;
  • 1st Reader: Hui-Ru Yang;
  • 2nd Reader: Jesse Simmons;
  • Gospel: Rev. Stoney Wu;
  • Musician: Liang-Yu Lin;
  • Greeters: Samuel Chen, You-Zhu Qiu, Joy Zeng;
  • Altar Guild: Hui-Fen Jiang.
My Personal Prayer for the celebration today:

Heavenly Father, Bless this anniversary service at St. James Church, Taichung. Unite us in love and understanding, transcending language barriers. Pour out Your wisdom and grace upon the pasters, leaders, and members. May Your presence inspire and bless us today. Thank you for Your faithfulness over the past 53 years. In Jesus's holy name, Amen.

A photo note: (See second to last photo) We're glad to have a friendly visitor from Hong Kong: her name is Venus Chen (陳詠恩). 

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We're pleased to have a visitor from Hong Kong: 
Venus Chen (陳詠恩), standing in the center!