2022年9月24日 星期六



We celebrated Little Shine's birthday in Hualien for the first time today.

(Note: Little Shine is a pretty good name I gave my second grandson, 小宣; his official English name is John, though.)

Before we came to Hualien again yesterday, Little Shine had asked his grandma the same question several times via video call: "September 24th -- do you remember?"

"Of course I do," Jean replied on the videophone. "Grandpa and I have already booked Puyuma train tickets and will arrive in Hualien the night before, to celebrate your birthday!"

You see, we have fulfilled our promises: The three generations of us went to Wángjì Chápù (花蓮 王記茶鋪 明心店) for dinner, and then returned to the vicarage to throw a simple and happy Birthday Party for the 8-year-old boy.

By the way, I noticed that on the coffee table there was a Wéndàn pomelo with eyes and a mouth drawn on it. I thought it was one of the six masterpieces made by Little Shine and his brother during the Mid-Autumn Festival last year, but it was not. If you compare the "face design" of this pomelo with those of the six pomelos in the picture on the right, you'll find that this is a new creative work.


= = =
相關文章 (See also):
3)  《話 / 畫 / 化》     (2021)

2022年9月18日 星期日

值得收藏 de 照片


Qian yige zhuri (9/11) Yìfēng cai diyici danren shìcóng (acolyte); zhege zhuri (9/18) Zhāng Yuánróng zhŭjiào jiu yi yuanding jihua laidao Hualian Sheng Lujia Tang zhŭlĭ (Bishop Lennon Yuan-rung Chang celebrating at St. Luke's Episcopal Church in Hualien today!), zhe shi duome meihao-xile de shi a! 

Libai hou, Yifeng neng yu Zhang zhujiao héyĭng yu jiaotang; zhe zhaopian dique zhide wo shoucang. Ganxie, zanmei Zhu!

= = =
相關文章 (See also): (照片轉分享) Serving as an Acolyte!     (2022)

2022年9月15日 星期四

(第二日) 爬山、坐下聊天、神奇的編號




星號4:試爬水社山 (邵語:Zintun marutaw a hundun)。純屬「試走 / 試爬」性質。

昨日來到青年活動中心時,夕陽閃亮亮地照射著「水社大山登山口」(即 北入口),我趕緊搶拍了一張「打卡」特寫。老婆當場就說:「如果都沒有往上爬(走)一程,那不就成了 "百分百騙人" 之舉?」因此,今天吃完早餐,我們就沿著濕而不滑的石階,拾級而上,一直走到某處高點才折回。

星號5:玄奘寺 (Xuanzang Temple) 這熟悉的居高臨下的涼亭平台,坐下來聊天,同時欣賞明潭(幾近乎 "全貌" 之)美好風景。

星號6:回程,順道參訪「文武廟」;在廟後坡地樹蔭下,歇歇腳,吃家裡帶來的柚子和餅乾。無意間,我發現文武廟的石椅,每個都有編號,其中最吸引我的編號就是 . . . . . (看完下面最後幾張照片,您就會曉得。)

話說從前,我曾經在台中縣大甲鎮(現已併入台中市改稱大甲區)的文武國小任教七年,其中有一屆學生,後來成立 Facebook 秘密社團,稱作「文武19」,因為他們是該校第十九屆畢業生。啊!我突然懷念起他們(那天真可愛的模樣!);我又懷想起那些過往的(千真萬確「一去不復返」的)年輕歲月 . . . 

= = =
2)  日月潭水社大山     (2012)
3)  爬山後(第二日)     (2012)