2018年2月27日 星期二

More Photos: 《典禮外 ● 足跡/留影》


(For Antony Liang's graduation ceremony, please see the previous page: #2018-0225 難忘的畢業典禮. And here on this page are MORE photos of our short trip to Hong Kong!)

二月廿五日一大早,我與本堂(聖雅各堂)主任牧師 Rev. Lily Chang 和榮譽主任牧師 (Rector Emeritus) Rev. Charles Chen 三人同行,從台中機場出發,飛往香港,參加兒子的畢業典禮(典禮與 "晚禱" 合併舉行)。兒子在上主祝福以及教會眾弟兄姊妹的提攜、代禱中,順利完成「香港聖公會明華神學院」的課業學習,獲得了「神學碩士」的文憑。身為父親的我,特別高興;甚至難掩興奮之情,深深覺得「與有榮焉」......

感謝主!讚美主!願天父上帝繼續在前引導、在後扶持,好讓凡偉我兒在未來的每一天,都能主恩滿溢,生活在「信、望、愛」之中;並且持守信仰,奉獻所學,以思想、言語、行動來「榮神益人」----- 做神所喜悅的,於人於己大有助益的事工!

二月廿六日上午,我們搭乘「綠線/赤柱游 (遊)」觀光巴士,做了 1.5 小時左右的 City Tour。前一次來香港是去年六月中的事 (see #2017-0722, A Short Visit to Hong Kong);當時親子三人搭乘「紅線/香港島游 (遊)」觀光巴士,適逢細雨紛飛,未留下什麼照片。今覺得「綠線」比「紅線」的風景其實更美、更吸引我!(參閱照片第4組)....... 最後,我們回到中環的「翠亨邨」享用港式飲茶(照片第5組),很感謝好朋友 Hazel Lo 的熱情招待!-- The Lord be always with you, Hazel!

香港聖公會 明華神學院

香港島教區 聖約翰座堂

照片第3組:2/25 中午

搭乘「綠線 / 赤柱線」觀光巴士


2018年2月25日 星期日

Attending Antony Liang's Graduation (難忘的畢業典禮)


My good friends Rev. Charles Chen and Rev. Lily Chang and I came from Taiwan early this morning to attend my son's graduation. The ceremony was held at St. Paul's Church (an Anglican church, in the Diocese of Hong Kong Island) on the evening of Sunday, February 25, 2018.

We were very impressed by the ceremony (see photos). We were happy and excited to meet people; in fact, we met and chatted with quite a number whom we had known, including the Archbishop and Primate Paul Kwong, and Dean of St. John's Cathedral the Very Revd Matthias Clement Tze-Wo Der, and so on and so forth.

For me (and for Antony, I'm sure), this is an unforgettable occasion and, well, it's definitely one of the most important events that have happened in our lives. Both my son and I, as you can see, will always remember how the Lord our God has blessed us to this very day! ... But for now, I'd like to give special thanks to Rev. Charles Chen and Rev. Lily Chang, as well as Ms. Catherine Lee and many others, for their encouragements and congratulations!

相關文章 / See also: #2018-0227, More Photos: 《典禮外 ● 足跡/留影》

Speaker: Prof. Lesley White, Executive Dean
of the Faculty of Arts and Education
at Charles Sturt University

1st Reading: Ecclesiasticus 1:1-10
Lector: Mr. Liang Fan Wei

2nd Reading: Matthew 11:25-30
Lector: Mr. Tong Chi Hon

Preacher: Dean of St. John's Cathedral, Hong Kong; 
the Very Revd Matthias Clement Tze-Wo Der,