2023年9月29日 星期五

Where to Go for the Celebration?


"Where should we go to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival?" one asked.

"How about going to Qixingtan Beach?" another suggested.

"It's a little late now, after we've dealt with the trash!" (Note: Here in Hualien City, the garbage truck usually collects trash after 5:30 p.m.)

"Yes, we'd prefer to clean up the trash before heading out for the celebration!"

"If that's the case, how about going to Nanbin (南濱)?" (Note: Nanbin is the "south shore" of the Pacific Ocean Park (太平洋公園), located on Haibin Street, Hualien City: 花蓮縣花蓮市海濱街...)

"I agree."

"We all agree!"

= = =
相關文章 (See also):
1)  《美崙溪畔月朦朧》     (2023)
2)  中秋節 ~ Glove Puppetry     (2022)
3)  Wufeng Lin Family Mansion     (2021)

2023年9月28日 星期四



今天 (9/28) 教師節,適逢中秋節前夕,我們在花蓮 Long Stay 之中;特以小孫子 John (or Shine!) 拿我手機拍攝的一張《美崙溪畔月朦朧》加上畫框和 "打字/簽名",當作節慶紀念之作。

值得一提的是,在亮度不足的夜晚,用手機拍照,拍得美並不容易;沒想到,小孫子這張作品,其朦朧程度,恰到好處。我除了加上畫框及 "模仿簽名" 外,並未做其他「後製」優化啊!

= = =
相關文章 (See also):
1)  月之圓缺     (2020)
3)  美崙溪:燈光倒影     (2023)

2023年9月26日 星期二



Today, we had lunch at a restaurant called "平行時空" (Parallel Time Space). It is situated in an old Japanese-style house that was constructed during the Japanese Colonial Period (1895-1945). The restaurant is located in a corner where you can find other restaurants in a similar style, like "時光" (Time) and "定置漁場三代目" (The Fishery).

For me, the name "平行時空" could be translated as "Parallel Time and Space" or simply as "Parallel Universe." What do you think about translating it as "Parallel Temporal Realm" or "Parallel Chronosphere"? Now, when it comes to "chronosphere," this term is not commonly used in everyday language and does not have a widely recognized meaning. It is a newly created word that combines the root words "chrono" (related to time) and "sphere" (related to a geometric shape or domain). So, what are your thoughts on the translation "Parallel Chronosphere"?

= = =
相關文章 (See also):
1)  《藍色新桌布》     (2020)
2)  理髮師的叔叔(上)     (2010)
3)  In the Pupal Stage     (2010)

2023年9月25日 星期一




In the depths of Meilun Creek's flow,
I glimpsed an enchanting glow.


Oh, the silence it did possess,
And the marvel it did impress.
A dance of shadows, a symphony of beams,
A stark contrast that stirs our dreams.

= = =
相關文章 (See also):
1)  Light in the Darkness     (2021)
2)  美崙山公園     (2022)

2023年9月24日 星期日

A Reunion of Faith: Our Sunday at St. Luke's Church


Today is the 17th Sunday after Pentecost. Jean and I just attended the Sunday service at St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Hualien.

It has been more than four months since our last visit to St. Luke's Church. In May, I came here as a representative of the members of St. James' Church in Taichung to attend the diocesan convention.

We were delighted to see the familiar faces at St. Luke's after such a long time. We were also thrilled to meet our bishop and his wife as well as Mr. and Mrs. Yunheng Di who were present at St. Luke's this Sunday. Bishop Lennon Yuan-rung Chang led the Eucharist and delivered a sermon on Matthew 20:1-16, also known as The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard. Mr. Di (狄運亨弟兄) generously provided 40 new copies of the hymnals for St. Luke's Church since the old ones had worn out. We, along with members of the church, expressed our gratitude for his thoughtful contribution!

On another note, Jean and I will be staying at St. Luke's Church for an extended period of time, longer than two weeks! Our son, Rev. Antony Liang, who serves as the vicar of the church, is currently on a journey to India. He is attending the CCA 15th General Assembly* along with representatives from other denominations in Taiwan, which will be taking place over the next few days.

Overall, it was a joyous Sunday, reconnecting with the church community and witnessing acts of generosity. We look forward to the days ahead during our extended stay at St. Luke's Church while our son is away in India.

= = =
*Note: CCA means "Christian Conference of Asia." The CCA 15th General Assembly will take place in Kottayam, a historic multi-religious city in the southern state of Kerala, India.

= = =
相關文章 (See also):
1)  聖路加堂 聖誕音樂會     (2022)

2023年9月20日 星期三

Whispers of the Night: 黑暗中的神祕小屋



Whispers of the Night: The Mysterious Cabin in the Dark

Step into the mysterious world that unfolds under the cover of night. In this secluded cabin, hidden stories come to life, offering a glimpse into its intriguing secrets. Explore the enigmatic tales that surround this captivating dwelling, where shadows hold their own mysteries. Join us on a journey of discovery as we unravel the secrets hidden within the depths of the night.

Imagine that you are the protagonist in a mysterious story, strolling with your loved one on a dark night. Suddenly, both of you spot a captivating cabin (or cottage? or hut? or even a "shipping container house" called huòguìwū in Chinese?) along the path. Would it arouse your interest and curiosity, prompting you to weave another thrilling tale?


= = =
相關文章 (See also):
1)  夢幻藝術(舉例)     (2022)
2)  Walking in the Dark     (2020)
3)  First Part of My Family Tale     (2010)

2023年9月14日 星期四

Whose Masterpiece Is It?



"Whose masterpiece is it?" When I asked this question, they told me that it was created by Yúntíng, a little girl who is currently studying in first grade at the elementary school.

You know, I just can't believe that such a little girl was able to complete the complicated but beautiful clay sculpture; perhaps her teacher had helped her a lot, but anyway, I do believe that little girls have plenty of imagination and creativity.

This morning I was so attracted to the colored clay sculptures on the corner table that I took a few photos of them to share with my readers.

= = =
相關文章 (See also):
1)  Harvest Time to Come!     (2023)
2)  小朋友眼中的我     (2020)