2021年10月31日 星期日

Holy Eucharist with Taizé Songs


Holy Eucharist with Taizé Songs

-- at St. James' Episcopal Church, Taichung; on Sunday, October 31, 2021  (9:30~10:30 a.m.)

-- with the Rev. Lily Chang as celebrant and Mr. Alex Tso as preacher; to celebrate All Saints' Day in advance!

-- This is our first time to have such a special service (泰澤詩歌感恩禮拜) at St. James Church, Taichung. All the songs we have used are from the ecumenical community of reconciliation in Taizé, France. Those songs are actually called prayers, and we've sung them repetitively as meditations. We stayed seated through out the program, except for the time when taking the Communion.

= = =
Note: For more information of the Taizé Community, click here: The Taizé Community / 泰澤團體.

2021年10月27日 星期三

I've Received the 2nd Dose of the Vaccine


After waiting for nearly 3 and a half months, I finally got the second dose of the vaccine this morning.

I had nothing to complain about. Instead, I was a little excited to see so many "senior citizens" coming to the auditorium on the 3rd floor of Yiwen Library in Wufeng as scheduled, for the rare and precious Moderna Covid-19 Vaccine.

On my way home from the temporary Community Vaccination Center, I noticed the sun was particularly bright at the moment. And in such brilliant sunshine was the national flag beautifully flying here and there. I just couldn't help but take out my iPhone camera . . . (I hope you'll like the two stone birds under the banyan tree, too.)

2021年10月21日 星期四



《小小羊兒要回家》是我小時候學會唱,而到現在還能從頭到尾,一字不落 (yī zì bú là) 完整唱完的一首歌;我喜歡.................


紅紅的太陽下山啦 咿呀嘿 呀嘿
成群的羊兒回家啦 咿呀嘿 呀嘿
小小羊兒跟著媽 有白有黑也有花
你們可曾吃 飽啊
天色已暗啦 星星也亮啦
不要怕 不要怕
我把燈火點著啦 呀嘿 呀嘿 呀嘿

The melody of the above song:

Mi mi-sol la sol sol-la ~ sol mi ~   (Do la mi ~ ~ la mi ~ ~ ~ ~ x x x)
La la-do re do re ~ ~ do la ~   (Sol mi la ~ ~ mi la ~ ~ ~ ~ x x x)
La...do re re-mi re do la ~   Mi...sol la la-ti la sol mi ~
Re...mi sol sol-la mi ~ re ~ mi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Do do-la ~ ~ sol do-la la ~ x x   Mi re ~ do re-do la ~ x x
Mi...sol la sol sol la ~ sol mi ~
Sol sol-la mi ~ mi mi-sol re ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
La la re re ~ ~ do ~ ti ~ la ~ ~ ~ ~ x x   (La mi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ mi la ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ x x)

The lyrics of the above song mean that when the "fiery red sun" sets in the west a group of small sheep (can I call them lambs or kids in English?) are walking home with their mama; that the colors of the small sheep vary from white to black and to other spotted or mixed colors; and that when it gets really dark, the stars are seen in the sky, but there is no need for these little lambs or kids to be afraid, because "I" (probably implying the master of the flock) "have lighted up the torch."

In the following photos, which I'd like to share with you, can you find any sheep or lambs? Probably not. But I thought of the song Little Lambs Going Home" and began to sing it softly in my heart when I saw the scenes (and took the pictures of them) on my way home!

= = =
相關文章 (See also): 
2)  《夜遊黃金海岸》     (2017)
3)  《暗夜行》     (2020)

2021年10月15日 星期五