2022年11月30日 星期三

好友同遊 "挑水古道"


Together with our good friends, Jean and I came to the Water-Fetching Trail (挑水古道) again this morning.

We were pleased to have such an exciting hike because on this "ancient road" -- well, the Chinese phrase 古道 literally means ancient road, we enjoyed chatting about those "good old days" we had spent decades ago.

Of course we also shared how we lived in these recent years. Besides the drastic changes in the global climate and the ill effects of the Russo-Ukraine war, we have been undergoing the Covid-19 pandemic that made the whole world so different. 

Times change dramatically, indeed. But our friendship is like fine wine: it gets better with age! (Lord, have mercy on us; let us be healthy and happy every day!)

= = =
1)  Lucky-7 歡樂的一天     (2019)

2022年11月26日 星期六

投開票新聞:TV News about Voting Today!


Here are snapshots taken from a TV news report on today's voting. They remind me of a sensible dialog like this:

A: We tried our best, but still lost the game.
B: Don't lose heart. You win some, you lose some. 

What the second person (B) really means is that "you can't win them all." It's true. You can't win them all. That's how life is. But what if you are a smart and brave person? Trying to find out the real reason(s) why you won or lost is a brave and wise act that will benefit your future development.


= = =
相關文章 (See also):

2022年11月25日 星期五

My Prayer: 照片拍攝於 "投票日" 前夕


These photos were taken at the Democratic Assembly Affairs Park of the Legislative Yuan on the night before the polling day for the 2022 Nine-in-One Election

這些照片是在 "2022 年九合一選舉" 投票日前一晚,在立法院民主議政園區(亦稱 "台灣省議會紀念園區")拍攝的。

I pray that tomorrow's election will be going well; I hope that people will come and vote for the best persons (who are capable and responsible) to serve as new mayors, county magistrates, councilors, etc. May the Lord bless us in this matter, as well!


= = =
相關文章 (See also):

2022年11月21日 星期一

"八百塊錢" (外一章)


金棗(不!是 "今早")很糗!


不過,這時認真回想(檢討?),還是讓我「嚇」了一大跳,怎麼會如此這般地發生呢?---- 這事,跟幾十年前我祖母「阿嬤」的 "八百塊錢" 故事,同樣是個疏忽(誤會)啊,但發生的緣由,顯然同中有異,或者說,大異其趣。


老婆要我獨自上菜市場,到某個攤位買幾顆 "好吃的" 芭樂(番石榴)。她先仔細描述了那攤位的位置,就在本地 "派出所" 附近的轉角;而我小心翼翼地查看地形、路線之後,果然找到了......

同一個攤位的芭樂,分成若干堆,價格各異:有 35 元一斤的(綠皮白肉)、30 元一斤的(紅心芭樂),還有 10 元一斤的(所謂 "次級品",破損不賠)。我挑選了三顆芭樂,大而美,很好吃的樣子。三顆裝入一袋,我提交水果袋,賣芭樂的小姐熟練地接過手去,秤了一下,說:






我回到家,第一件事就是進入盥洗室,洗手(疫情期間 "洗手" 很要緊!)而且照一下鏡子,看看洗手台上方的鏡子裡,是否出現一位白髮蒼顏的老頭兒? ---- 我真的老了嗎?

= = =

話說阿嬤 "八百塊錢" 的故事:

那是我二十來歲,正當年輕,真實發生的一件事。唉呀!故事本來很簡單,但時間久了,現在回想起來,有一種「愁苦難掩,不願再提當年」的感覺;且容我暫時擱筆,另擇「吉日良辰」再寫囉!-- Sorry to stop telling the "$800" story for now, I hope I can write about it on another "good day"!

= = =
相關文章: 八百塊錢     (待續)

2022年11月18日 星期五

美景 (一個月前的)


這些照片拖延了一個月才公開(分享!),仍覺得心情愉悅;甚至有點 "驕傲"(很光榮、蠻有面子)的感覺!

具體地說,總共有七張照片,前三張拍攝於 10 月 15 日下午 5:38~39pm;後四張拍攝於隔天(16 日)下午 5:53~56pm。

但願您看見這些 "美景",跟我一樣,心中歡喜 -----「喜歡!

= = =
相關文章 (See also):
2)  夕日餘暉     (2019)

2022年11月17日 星期四

Thank You, AUH


Thank you, AUH, for being a very good hospital. I see your high quality in medical care, and I suppose it's most convenient for us to come to you because you stand so close to our house. Yes. we will think of you first when we're badly in need of an "emergency action."

However, I wish we didn't have to come to you so desperately on November 5th. And, you know, I pray that we won't be visiting you again soon!

This morning Jean returned to AUH for a follow-up as advised by her doctor. I was with her all the way there until we got back home. I found that the large parking lot across from the hospital (AUH) was 100% full of vehicles -- one of which was our TOYOTA Rav-4.

Oh, as we've seen today, so many people are suffering one way or another! -- O Lord, have mercy! Kyrie eleison! Lord, have mercy!

= = =
相關文章 (See also): 窗外風光仍是美     (2022)

2022年11月16日 星期三

Some Nice Views


In the past few days, I have captured quite a few "nice views," as shown in the pictures below.

Those objects can and should be viewed from different angles; that is, you may look at them from low to high, from near to far, or vice versa.

Well, man-made or not, they're pretty cool sights, aren't they?

Maybe you and I are too busy to notice such ordinary and extraordinary things around us, but let's just stop walking (or working) for a while, to truly enjoy them with not only our eyes but also our hearts.

= = =
相關文章 (See also):
1)  給它 / 牠 / 他 評分     (2022)
2)  春遊 ~ 霧峰林家花園     (2021)