2011年5月22日 星期日

Sunday Service


It is the fifth Sunday of Easter today. Something special happened to the English service at St. James'. Neither Warren (the preacher) nor Shirley (the organist) was able to come and help in the Morning Prayer. I very much thanked Miss Catherine Lee for her coming from afar to preach a sermon. And, with no musician to take Shirley's place, I had to play the piano myself -- Well, fortunately enough, I was able to play all the five hymns chosen for this morning's service: #182, #187, #191, #205, and #207. All of these hymns are the key of C major!

Following is a picture taken right after the service. In the picture are half of the people who participated in the Morning Prayer, including a young couple from Singapore (思凱 and 佩瑜) who were visiting St. James'.

2011年5月21日 星期六

The First Piano Lesson (第一堂鋼琴課)


這個週末,小蜜蜂頭一回在霧峰(爺爺奶奶家)過夜,當然,這也是他第一次親手碰觸鋼琴的機會 . . . . . 我們明知「學音樂的孩子不會變壞」,但我們也謹記「不可揠苗助長」的古訓,所以這一次的「碰觸」乃是名副其實的 Touch 罷了!

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2011年5月20日 星期五



Xiao Mifeng shi xingfude haizi (小蜜蜂是幸福的孩子). Jia-li mei yige ren dou xihuan ta -- shuo "xihuan" qishi bugou, shi "shenshende ai" cai zuyi miaohui women de xinqing de. Hai jide, sanyue de mou yitian, wo zai buluoge-li zhangtiele "Mama Huai-li de Xiao Mifeng" (媽媽懷裡的小蜜蜂); xianzai, wo yao yi zhe pian "Baba de Xiongtang Houshi Kekao" (爸爸的胸膛厚實可靠) yu nin fenxiang -- Xiao Mifeng you baba houshide xiongtang keyi yikao, duome xingfu a, nin shuo!

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2011年5月19日 星期四

Little Bee -- 寶貝孫兒滿七個月又一天


Following are some more photos of Little Bee to share with you, my good friends and readers:

這是什麼表情啊!What are you thinking about, Babe?

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2011年5月16日 星期一

走訪萬里長城 (The Great Wall?)


Luotuo Xiongdi (駱駝兄弟) zai yici jijie -- zhe yihui women zoufang wei yu Dadu Qu de "Wanli Changcheng" (萬里長城). A! Women shang ge yue dao Dakeng pashan, shen-xin shuchang, jiyi-youxin; xianzai laidaole zhe sihu geng tianran de shan-zhong, bian zou bian liao, zou lei le, jiu ting xialai pao hu cha (邊走邊聊,走累了就停下來泡壺茶) . . . Zhen you shuo bu chulai de yukuai!

** We are looking for an insect called "antlion" (蟻獅). Antlions live on ants!

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2011年5月15日 星期日

誰的傑作? (Masterpieces of Little Bee's Parents)


I like the eight pictures below very much, which are some "masterpieces" of Little Bee's parents -- the first four taken on April 23 and the final four taken on May 8. What would you say about them?

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