2013年2月26日 星期二

亮光之夢 (A Normal Day That Is Unusual)



變得有點不尋常了 --- 何止「有點」,

清早醒來,鬧鐘未響 . . . 感謝主,我還記得自己的昨天、以及那之前的「昨天」:

昨天週一,Jean 陪我到「三姊」家學唱歌
我喜歡 Sealed with a Kiss 也喜歡 Morning Has Broken
就連 A Man Without Love 也練唱了幾遍!

Shirley 司琴、Hans 和 Leighnae 讀經;
Warren 講道;我跟他 (Warren) 合作司禱
--- 大家不忘繼續為簡主教(前任主教)的健康情況,懇切地「代禱」。


感謝主,讓我逐漸明白,謙遜的基督徒必有盼望 . . . 既有眼前的、屬世的

而當下 我的 Itinerary 呢?
    (Itinerary = 旅程; 路線; 旅行計畫; 旅行紀錄; 旅行指南)

很清楚的 明、後天
在日月潭舉辦。我 . . . 本人及眷屬都參加。

  先查看 email 和 Facebook ---
  然後 一如早先的計畫,回到國姓老家
  載父親出來草屯看醫師、拿藥;也載母親出來 順道
前往二妹家,同二妹及大妹等 喝茶 敘舊

喔!那些事 . . . 如真 似幻 像天邊的雲彩
也像流星 劃過夜空(閃過腦際)
竟成為 一串串 屬於我 喜歡做、應該做、值得做的 ----------- 亮光之夢!

2013年2月17日 星期日

A Sermon


A Sermon for/on the First Sunday in Lent
-- presented by Jerry Liang at St. James' Church, Taichung

The Readings for today:
Deuteronomy 26:1-11
Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16
Romans 10:8b-13
Luke 4:1-13
O Lord! Give me the sincerity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. [Amen.]
-- Reinhold Niebuhr 1892-1971
Good morning, my dear friends in Christ!
Some of you might be a little curious about my standing here as a preacher. “Why is it not Bishop John Chien that is giving a sermon here?” They may be asking this. Or you . . . you may be thinking of someone else, such as Rev. David Chee, Ms. Catherine Lee, and Rev. Charles Chen, who have come to minister to us on other Sundays -- more or less often than Bishop John does.
Well, when I asked Rev. David, Catherine, and Rev. Charles for help, I wished one of them would be available to come and preach this morning. But none of them is available. Rev. David is now in Kaohsiung, Catherine was said to be traveling in India, and Rev. Charles has just left from Taiwan, for the U.S.
So, finally, here I am! Under the guidance of Rev. Jason Ke (Thank you, Jason.) and with Warren’s encouragement, I’m trying to share with you tow topics: (1) the meaning of Lent, and (2) something about the lessons (that we’ve just read this morning). I hope that my English would not cause too much trouble in conveying what I really want to say.
First of all, I’d like to express my deep concern for Bishop John’s physical condition. To be honest, I was very sorry, or upset, to hear that Bishop John was diagnosed as having cancer of the pancreas. The news startled me, and it was also shocking to my wife, when we were informed of it. Then, we both started thinking of my father-in-law (Jean’s father) again. We thought of him again and again and we missed him so much during this past week, the Chinese New Year, because he (my father-in- law) had passed away about three years ago due to a serious cancer [of the pancreas].
Oh, my friends! Please forgive me for telling you this. But to tell the truth, since I got the news about Bishop John a week ago, I’ve kept praying for him and for his wife, Grace. I presume that from then on it would be a special period of time for Bishop John and his family -- a time for them to face (or confront) a big challenge.
Let’s keep them in our prayer. If you read the ANNOUNCEMENTS in today’s bulletin, you’ll see #2: “Let’s earnestly pray for Bishop John . . . It is our earnest prayer that God provide healing mercies and comfort to him.”
O Lord God! May the Lord our God provide healing mercies and comfort to all of us, as well. It can be assured that we’ll not only pray for one who is physically sick at the moment, but we’ll also pray for many other people, including ourselves, who are weak sometimes.
We will have to pray -- for our spiritual/eternal life and also for our temporal life on earth. Meanwhile, for some special/personal reasons and for some common reasons, each of us needs to pray in earnest, especially in this season -- the Season of Lent!
Today is the first Sunday in Lent. As you may have noticed, our church (the Episcopal Church) follows a particular calendar (called the liturgical calendar) in doing services on Sundays and other important feast days. According to this church calendar, the Season of Lent already started four days ago, on Wednesday that is called “Ash Wednesday.”
From that Wednesday [Feb. 13] to Easter Eve [Mar. 30 this year] is a period of 46 days, including 6 Sundays. If you take the 6 Sundays away from the 46 days, then you’ll have exactly 40 days before Easter Day [Mar. 31].
These 40 days can be compared to Jesus’s 40 days being tested in the wilderness. These 40 days are, in a sense, meant for us (= “followers of Jesus”) to prepare ourselves through prayer, repentance, almsgiving, and self-denial.
l  What is prayer? -- In my favorite dictionary, prayer is defined as “the activity of speaking to God” and a prayer is “the words a person says when he/she speaks to God.” Accordingly, we can refer to a strong hope that we have as our prayer.
l  What is repentance? -- When we show repentance for something wrong that we have done, we make it clear that we are sorry for doing it.
l  What is "alms" in the word almsgiving? -- Alms are gifts of money, clothes, or food to poor people. In the Season of Lent, we should, as expected by many real Christians, do our best to help others, in whatever way we can.
l  Finally, self-denial. What is it? -- Self-denial is the habit of refusing to do or to have things that you would like, either because you cannot afford them, or because you believe it is morally good for you not to do them or have them.
During the Season of Lent, many of the faithful commit to fasting (or giving up certain types of luxuries) as a form of penitence. Such kinds of self-denial would be, in my opinion, a very sensible practice of prayer in this special season. And this is prayer in action (or by action), rather than prayer just in words (or with words)!
    -- Compare this with the proverb Actions speak louder than words!
Well, I think I have explained the meaning of Lent to some extent. The key point is that Lent is a period of time for us (the believers) to do such things as prayer, repentance, almsgiving, and self-denial in order to improve (or purify) ourselves, so that we can be more like Jesus our Lord, and that we’ll be able to resist the temptation of the Devil, and . . . with Jesus Christ’s help, to bravely deal with any challenges and difficulties that we have to encounter in this world.
But how? How can we be better like our Lord? Or what? What can we learn from today’s biblical lessons?
This morning the Gospel teaches about Jesus’s 40 days in the wilderness, and his being tempted by the evil one. From Luke 4:1-13, we can learn something about Jesus and also something about ourselves:
-- Say, all of us (including you and me) experience challenges in our lives, whether it is on a personal/relationship level, or in our lives of faith. It is how we respond to those challenges that is the important thing.
Satan challenged the Lord in three areas:
(1)   Regarding loyalty to God -- Let’s ask ourselves: How deep is our commitment? What are the things in life that we tend to put before our relationship to Christ? Have we ever dreamed of “turning the stones to bread”?
     If bread stands for the material food while God’s word stands for the spiritual food, then we should remember that “one does not live by bread alone.” (= Human beings cannot live on bread alone.)
(2)   Regarding making unreasonable demands of God or Christ -- Are we asking the Lord to prove himself to us before we believe? Are we like Thomas described in The Gospel of John 20: 25?
Thomas made a demand after Jesus had been crucified, saying, "Unless I see the scars of the nails in his hands and put my finger on those scars and my hand in his side, I will not believe.”
     In our lives of faith, we don’t have to be as dubious (or doubtful) as Thomas was; in fact, the saying “To see is to believe” is not always true. We should put our trust in the Lord our God and worship/serve only him.
(3)   Regarding the situation that one makes a foolish decision and expects God to save him from being irresponsible – Read the final part of the story (Luke 4:9-13) again. When the Devil says: “Jump . . . the angels will save you.” we should recall the words from the scripture: “Don’t put the Lord you God to the test.
Yes, this and other quotations mentioned above are great verses in the Gospel of Luke to vividly depict a personal experience of temptation and challenge. Do you think the Gospel story today is meaningful and interesting to you? What would you say about how God and the scripture help us to overcome the temptation?
Since Lent commemorates the 40 days of Jesus’ temptation and fasting in the wilderness, the Lucan account of that period comes to the fore. The Gospel lection stresses that the response of Jesus to the temptations was faith in God and the confession of that faith.
The other readings for the day carry forward these themes:
l  To make a long story short, Deuteronomy 26:1-11 presents the instructions for the celebration of the festival of the first fruits, including the recital of the confession of faith.
l  The psalm, Psalm 91:1-16, is a meditation on God’s care for those who trust in the Lord.
l  And the text from Romans 10:8b-13 is a classical Pauline statement that justification follows belief and salvation follows confession.
I would like to emphasize that the reading from Romans is wonderful. How do I become a Christian? Paul tells us: “If you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."
Let’s always bear Paul’s teaching in mind, and put it this way: “If I confess with my lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in my heart that God raised him from the dead, I will be saved."
Let us pray.
O Lord, who are our mighty savior and protector! Help us not to fall into the traps that Devil would have us to. Help us to honor you, Lord, and to yield our lives to you. Amen.

2013年2月14日 星期四



Nongli danian chuwu, women hui Dajia, Qin de saosao qing chi zhongfan. Didian jiu zai Daanxiang de "Zhuo Ye Xiao Wu" (卓也小屋).

Women dou hen xihuan zhege difang -- Ta shi yi jia xiangcun fengge de canting, budan [suo tigong de] canyin haochi, yuanqu-nei you chitang, xiaojing, maocao-wu. Yiyan wangqu,  huacao-shumu, yipian luyi-angran.

Dizhi: 台中市大安區中山南路89號
Dianhua: (04)26715526

2013年2月7日 星期四



「駱駝同學會」圓滿落幕後,第三天,收到 9 號駱駝的 email 分享了三十餘幅照片。我感動之餘,立刻去函致意:

Dear 老侯:
真不愧是畫家,所拍的照片就是不一樣,太美了,我好喜歡!想徵求您的同意,在我的《木咕子的家》轉載,好嗎?(我會註明 . . . . . .)請回覆。謝謝!Thank you very much.
The Lord bless you!
Mookoo Liang (梁金連)

三個多鐘頭後,果真獲得他---侯勝賢 兄---的同意,我乃從中挑選了九張[外加右上角那一張]轉載於斯,與讀者諸君分享。

2013年2月6日 星期三

The Camel Class Reunion: (別人拍攝的) 有我在內的鏡頭


2013年 駱駝同學會 由住在中部的駱駝兄弟主辦

時間:2013 年 2 月 3 - 4 日(週日、週一)

2013年2月5日 星期二

The Camel Class Reunion (駱駝同學會) Part II


預定行程(註:與實際行程略有不同;部分活動照片,另見於 #2013-0205A 。)

(第一天)2012/02/03 週日

10:30 a.m. 自行前往日月潭「涵碧樓」報到

12:00 noon 午餐 在「涵碧樓」用餐

4:00 p.m. 於住宿地點「日月潭青年活動中心」辦理 Check In

6:00 p.m. 晚餐 在「青年活動中心」

(第二天)2012/02/04 週一

7:00 a.m. 早餐

8:30 a.m. 健行活動:前往「猫囒山」
(別怕!這一趟絕非 mountain-climbing,只是 hiking 罷了。)

12:00 p.m. 午餐(時間有些彈性)在「牛相觸」用餐