2020年5月31日 星期日

The Day of Pentecost, 2020


Jintian shi Shengling Jianglin Ri (聖靈降臨日 the Day of Pentecost). Yinwei xinxing guanzhuang bingdu (COVID-19) de yingxiang, jiaotang de huodong jinliang fuhe zhengfu guiding de fangyi xuqiu: Women yingwentang de libai zhi you ershi-wu-liu ren canjia. Buguo, women xinqing dou tebie yukuai, fangfu Shengling de jiaoguan, rang ren kanjian yipian guangliang, cong ci you you-le yige quanxinde kaishi! (.....心情特別愉快,彷彿聖靈的澆灌,讓人看見一片光亮,從此又是全新的開始!)

= = =
相關文章 (See also):
1)  The Day of Pentecost     (2011)
2)  Jazz Eucharist on Pentecost Sunday     (2017)

2020年5月29日 星期五

Welcome to Our Back Garden


Alex Tso and his family will be leaving from Central Taiwan this summer -- probably in July, as far as I know.

The Tso family became Jean's and my good friends after they came to St. James' Episcopal Church Taichung, where Duoduo (Alex and his wife Wenqing's little daughter) was baptized. Well, Jean and I acted as Duoduo's godparents when she was baptized; since then Duoduo and her sister, Liangliang, have always called Jean nainai (meaning Grandma) and me yeye (Grandpa). It's interesting for godparents to be grandparents, isn't it? ... 

Now to show them our love and friendship, Jean and I have invited them to our house again. We would like to entertain them to dinner after taking a walk together in our "back garden" -- that is, the Provincial Memorial Park and the Democracy Lawn, in Wufeng. (Note: We also invited the Rev. Lily Chang to dinner with us. She was too busy to join us in taking a walk this afternoon, though.)

= = =
相關文章 (See also):
1)  Welcome to the Houshan Park     (2019)

2020年5月28日 星期四



連日的雨,時大時小,總要趁雨歇時,外出散散步。而今日所見的,雖非雨後春筍,卻是 "確確實實" 雨後才出現的「奇菇異蕈」。蕈,注音 ㄒㄩㄣˋ  拼音 xùn 

我對蕈類所知有限,只曉得有些可食用,其他多半不能吃。看來,眼下這些應該是「毒菇」沒錯吧!----- 無論其毒性強或弱,它(牠)讓我想起中文四個字的成語:

雨   後   春   ?

第四音 sǔn 改為 xùn 如何?

2020年5月26日 星期二

Clouds after the Rain


After the rain, the sky was full of clouds. I saw them and so much liked them. Then my heart and my mind started getting lost ... gradually getting into the mysterious blue and white and gray! Oh, I wish I were a cloud; but if I were a cloud, could I be in the state of bliss forever and ever?