2014年9月27日 星期六

Little Shine's 3rd and 4th Days -- 小宣的哥哥、爸爸都來囉!


小宣 (Little Shine) 出生後第三天,他爸爸從香港搭機回台灣,立刻趕到仁愛醫院的 Baby Friendly Center 來看他 ---- 看小嬰兒、也看「孩子的媽」!

可想而知,當媽媽的,從懷孕到生產整個過程都相當辛苦。而當爸爸的,因為就讀 神學院 人在香港,孩子出生時竟沒能陪在妻兒身旁,心情之忐忑,也不難想見啊!

感謝讚美主!在全家人同心祈求,而親友們也不斷給予祝福、及代禱中,我們的小寶貝 小宣 (Little Shine) 終於誕生了。一切順利,母子平安!Thanks be to God! And glory and praise to Jesus Christ my Lord!

以下照片 01-05 拍攝於昨日;06-13 拍攝於今天。
The first 5 pictures below were taken by Antony 
Liang on Friday, Sept. 26, 2014.

The above pictures were taken by Antony Liang on Sept. 26.
The following pictures were taken by Mookoo Liang on Sept. 27.

 All the pictures above were taken at the Baby Friendly Center 
of Jen-Ai Hospital, in Dali District, Taichung City.

This final picture was taken at Jingde Postpartum Care Center, 
located at 8, Jingde Street, Xitun District, Taichung City.

2014年9月25日 星期四

Little Shine's Second Day (with 10 pictures)


My son has decided to name his second son 梁益宣 -- taking "益" from the phrase "榮神益人" and "宣" from "宣揚福音"! I totally agree, as this is really a good and meaningful name. [Note: My first grandson also has a good and meaningful name, 梁益丰, with "益" from the same phrase "榮神益人" and "丰" which looks like a combination of "三" and "1" and a symbol of "三位一體" (Trinity). ]

Oh, how wonderful it is that both my grandchildren have got good Chinese names! As for nicknames, I would call my second grandson "Little Shine" because the pronunciation of 宣 (xuan) is somewhat like the English word "shine" -- just as I have nicknamed my first grandson Little Bee, because his name 丰 (feng) sounds like another Chinese word 蜂 (feng), meaning "bee"!

Following are the pictures taken on Little Shine's 2nd day, 
Thursday, September 25, 2014.

2014年9月24日 星期三

Little Shine's First Day (with 10 pictures)


How happy and excited I was to see and hold my second grandson in my arms for the first time! He was born at 12:37 this afternoon, while his father (my son) was studying at Ming Hua Theological College in Hong Kong!

When the nurses came to me with the newborn baby, one of them asked, "Ni yao-buyao bao yixia?" (Do you want to give him a hug?) My heart leaped with great, great joy, yet I replied, "Keyi ma?" (May I?) -- Look! My arms already reached out for him, our Xiao-Baobei (little baby), whom I'd like to call Little Shine. (You know why? Click here for an explanation.)

Following are the pictures taken on Little Shine's 1st day, 
Wednesday, September 24, 2014.

2014年9月1日 星期一

Another Visit to Rev. Chee's Place (處處有主的恩典)



昨日,一群同道,結伴同行,來到徐牧師位於淡水區坪頂路的家。我這是第二次來此一遊 ---- 時間過得真快,上次是四年前,而非我推想的「兩年前」的事!



Yesterday was Sunday, August 31, 2014 -- the 12th Sunday after Pentecost. We had no English service at St. James', in Taichung. Instead we came up to Tamsui (Danshui) and had a worship service at Rev. David Chee's house. After the service we had lunch together at a nearby restaurant (三空泉休閒農場) and then took a walk in the A-San-Ge farm (阿三哥農莊). I'm sure that all of us (18 persons, including Catherine Lee, Julie Dron, Harrison Paul, etc.) had got a really wonderful time during the "outing" trip yesterday.

This was my second time to visit Rev. Chee's place. You may also see the pictures of my first visit here by clicking on this link: 那年淡水游一夏,從此霧峰夢也多!