2017年4月26日 星期三





-- Revised by Mookoo Liang

去年今日 (4/26) 我在 Facebook 上「分享」了 Joyce Yeung 的貼文。那是她 2015年 11月 20日發表於 FB 的作品,以詞牌「十六字令」填寫一闕詞,標題是《冬》。

雖然只有短短十六個字 ----「十六令」又名「蒼梧謠」或「歸字謠」,只有 16 個字(三平韻)---- 但我已忘記《冬》的具體內容,只記得附有插圖,好像是取自網絡的,大雪紛飛,把大地和樹林都染白的一幅「景象」。真沒想到,今晚打開 FB,這篇一年前分享的貼文竟然「原貌不變」全都呈現在我眼前。

啊!除了感慨光陰無情、時日匆匆,不禁也要讚嘆 "臉書" (FB) 的厲害。它精準地「提醒」了我:在當時,除了拜讀 Joyce Yeung 的《冬》,我也隨興寫了一闕「十六字令」作為回應,標題改成《鵰》。




「無聊」之義大約有三: (1) 精神空虛、愁悶。 楚辭 . 王逸 . 九思 . 逢尤:「心煩憒兮意無聊,嚴載駕兮出戲遊。」 聊齋誌異 . 卷十一 . 香玉:「於是至無聊時,女輒一至。」 (2) 窮困而無所依靠。 晉書 . 卷一O五 . 石勒載記下:「自是劉、石禍結,兵戈日交,河東、弘農間百姓無聊矣。」 (3) 無可奈何。 史記 . 卷一O六 . 吳王傳:「見責急,愈益閉,恐上誅之,計乃無聊。」 


。飛盡千山不築。來寒夜,才覺我無拙作 修正版!)

** 相關作品(可點閱):筆記簿中塗鴉(十六令 四首** 

2017年4月25日 星期二

好文推介:姊妹校 CES 貴賓來訪


在此特別推薦 Catherine Lee 所寫的一篇文章(可點閱):Yes! Celebrating 10 Exciting Years of Sister-School Partnership: St. James, Taichung and Cambridge-Ellis, Boston! 

該文甫於今日 (April 25, 2017) 發表在她個人的部落格 (blog) 並已連結至臉書 (Facebook)。我拜讀之餘,覺得圖文並茂、記錄詳實,值得推介。凡對於這次台中聖雅各幼兒園的姊妹校 Cambridge-Ellis School, in Boston 園長 Gerlinda 等人專程來訪,有興趣者,均可透過上面的連結,加以點閱。相關文章:A Quick Visit to NTT (台中國家歌劇院) 

以下照片則是從該文所附的照片插圖中,選取我想要「轉分享」的,跟我們關係最密切的少數幾張罷了:Thank you Catherine for sharing these photos (and many more in your blog post) with us!

2017年4月23日 星期日

The English Congregation(照片轉貼)

-- David Puckett, Elaine Lai, and Jerry Liang --    .
Pictures on this page were originally shared by Elaine Lai, who came to St. James' English service for the first time. She said she was very pleased to start joining us in both the Sunday worship and the coffee hour right after the service. I was very happy about her coming, because she is one of the SJEG group members. (This small group, organized by me, meets in this same room for Bible study every Friday night from 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.)

By the way, today is the 2nd Sunday of Easter, and the gospel for today is from The Gospel of John, chapter 20, verses 19 to 31, which was composed of three sections: (1) Jesus appears to his disciples, (2) Jesus and Thomas, and (3) the purpose of this book. While David preached a sermon this morning, he did not preach it in the usual way. He pretended that he was the "doubting Thomas." In an interesting and meaningful way David did a lively role play! I was excited to hear such a sermon, which seemed to be given by Doubting Thomas, but not by David. -- And Elaine says she was excited about that, too.

感謝 Elaine Lai 透過「LINE/連我」在
SJEG 英文小組 和 St. James' Church 兩個群組
中分享下列照片,我要轉貼並說一聲 THANK YOU。

2017年4月20日 星期四

A Quick Visit to NTT (台中國家歌劇院)


What do you see in this picture?
Only a butterfly?
Or more?

Accompanied by Qiaoling Zheng (a Chinese teacher at CES), Ms. Gerlinda (principal of Cambridge-Ellis School, in Boston) and her husband (whose name sounds like "shook-keel" for me but I don't really know how to spell) are visiting St. James' Preschool, in Taichung. They arrived here on Tuesday and will be leaving soon for Taipei on Friday.

On Tuesday evening we had a welcome party for them, which Jean and I were invited to join in, as well. And now on Thursday afternoon, as a group of 10, including our 3 guests and 7 St. James' representatives such as Ms. Susan Chen (principal of St. James' Preschool, in Taichung) -- we went together and visited NTT (the National Taichung Theater or 台中國家歌劇院), where I took the following pictures. -- For more information of NTT, you may click and see: Venue Info (空間介紹).

 "The tallest cave" (最高的洞穴!)

   A clock decorated with calligraphy

 "The longest cave" (最長的洞穴!)

 The Outdoor Theater (戶外劇場)

Jean Huang and Qiaoling Zheng (鄭巧玲)
at National Taichung Theater

 A Picture of the interior of the Grand Theater
(導覽人員以 iPad 展示:大劇院內部)

The Sky Garden of NTT