2022年4月30日 星期六



讀過《坐擁天然奇景》及其《續篇》的朋友們,如果願意----或必要的話,也可在同一個園區 (The Democracy Lawn, in Wufeng) 找到這樣的石椅,小坐片刻,純然休息。




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相關文章 (See also):

2022年4月28日 星期四

坐擁天然奇景 (續篇)


In the Democracy Lawn park (民主草坪) there are a number of stone benches set up along the walkways for people to rest if when they're tired from walking.

Some of those stone seats without backrests have amazing patterns -- which I called "landscape" or "natural wonders" (天然奇景) -- on their flattened tops. I found one example last Thursday and I was inspired to make up a fictional dialogue (See my previous post).

Also on Thursday, I walked to the D. L. park again today. There I found another stone bench with  interesting patterns that sparked my imagination. This time I saw "西河東流, 東河西流"; that means A river in the west flows east, while a river in the east flows west! -- Well, where do these rivers end up?

How many trails can you find in the mountains? And where do those rivers end up? -- Could you, my dear readers, give yourselves an answer or two?

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相關文章 (See also): 

2022年4月26日 星期二

被修剪的樹 (The Tree Was Pruned)


Kanjian lanqiuchang pangbian de zhangshu bei xiujian de guangtutude, wo turan xiangqi-le Yuehan Fuyin de yiduan jingwen. Suiran na shi Zhu Yesu jiezhe "putao shu" er zuo de yige biyu, wo haishi renwei, qitade shumu jingguo rengong xiujian, ye hui you zhang de gengjia jianmei de guoxiao: 

"凡是屬我不結果子的枝子,他就剪掉;凡結果子的,他就修剪乾淨,使枝子結果子更多。" (約翰福音 15:2  合和本修訂版)

"He breaks off every branch in me that does not 
bear fruit, and he prunes every branch that does bear fruit, so that it will be clean and bear more fruit." (John 15:2, Good News Translation)

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相關文章 (See also):
3)  Wo Hui Pa Shu (我會爬樹)     (2016)

2022年4月24日 星期日

The Second Sunday of Easter


Thanks to the Lord! ... Despite the recent increase in confirmed cases of Covid-19, we still have the so-called "physical church service" today.

Today is the 2nd Sunday of Easter and we have Holy Eucharist with the Rev. Lily Chang as celebrant and Ms. Annie Tsai as preacher. And we have a Children's Sermon delivered by Ms. Laura Moye this Sunday. It's also worth mentioning that Oliver, son of Renee and Andrew Egeler, has read one of the Bible lessons for today. This is what impressed me the most.

By the way, some of the photos I'd like to share below were taken in the garden behind the classrooms on the first floor. The photo on the top right is part of the table surface where we can set up a large umbrella in the central hole. Can you imagine how fantastic it will be to have a cup of coffee in the shades of the umbrella?

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相關文章:Easter Day, 2022

2022年4月21日 星期四






身說:對,憑著感覺走(或不走),應該尊重 "腳" 的感覺。







心說:大家別急著坐下,先仔細瞧瞧,看這裡頭[指的是 "削平的石椅面"]究竟藏有什麼奇妙風景!......

[於是乎,手、腳,身、心、頭、眼,各司其職,相互合作。有的移動方位,調整高、低、遠、近 不同的視角。有的仔細觀察,有的發揮想像。還有索性把隨身攜帶的手機拿出來,拍照,帶回家中進一步分析的。請參閱照片。]

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相關文章 (See also):