2016年8月26日 星期五

琴之同學會(序篇):Before Meeting Jean's Former Classmates


"Come with me to my tongxuehui?"

Tongxuehui means "a reunion of classmates." A couple of days ago Jean told me her former classmates would meet at Tao-Li Hepan this year for a reunion. She was hoping that I could join her there.

"Yes, I'd like to escort you there," I said, putting emphasis on the verb which I actually used "husong" (護送) in Mandarin.

In fact, to escort (or accompany) her was just one of the reasons for my saying "yes" -- The winding road leading to Tao-Li Hepan in the mountains might cause some problems to car drivers who are not accustomed to driving on such a narrow road with so many curves in it. I was available, and willing, to be her "private driver" this morning!

My other reasons for coming included: (1) I'd never been at Tao-Li Hepan (桃李河畔, literally as "Plums River Bank"), the name of the place being so attractive that I felt like having a visit to it. (2) Last year when I went with Jean to her class-reunion for the first time, I did have a good time meeting some old and new friends; good memories made me want to participate again in that kind of thing.
