2010年5月10日 星期一

The 3-in-1 Philosophy of Life

The 3-in-1 Philosophy of Life
Revised by Jerry Liang in May, 2010

Regarding Knowledge of Wisdom:
I'll make good use of my common sense. (善用常識)
I'll keep learning all my life. (終身學習)
I'll read and learn from the Bible. (讀經)

Regarding Sincerity with Love:
I'll understand and love myself. (律己)
I'll love and/or respect others. (益人)
I love and trust in the Lord. (榮神)

Regarding Fulfillment through Action:
I always have beautiful pictures in my heart. (常懷美夢)
I'll cherish the present. (把握現在)
I'll pray to the Lord. (祈求)
