2014年5月23日 星期五

Peacocks, Ice-cream, and the Rocking Horse!


Last year Jean and I took Little Bee to the peacock garden at Sun Moon Lake. We were all very interested in the beautiful birds kept there, especially the Indian peafowl (= blue peafowl) and the Formosan blue magpie. However, just because it was not in the blue fowl's breeding season when we went there last September, we didn't see any peacocks displaying their "trains" (or tails).

If you like, click here 日月潭孔雀園 for our previous visit in 2013.

Since then Jean had always wanted to give Little Bee a good chance to see peacocks display. She said that she had recently seen on someone's Facebook a few pictures of the Sun-Moon-Lake peacocks displaying their beautiful trains. "It must be the breeding season now!" She told me with excitement, "Why don't we take Little Bee there again? Let's go!" So we did, right away, this morning!

As soon as we arrived at Sun Moon Lake, it started to rain, and therefore all the birds in that Peacock Garden were kept indoors. I was a little disappointed at first. But then, like Jean and Little Bee, I was very pleased to see some of the peacocks displaying even in their cage-rooms.

Jean and I led our grandson to other interesting places also. We enjoyed seeing the lake in the rain. We sat at the lakeside and ate delicate ice-cream. And then we entered a fantastic store called Carton King (紙箱王:紙箱故事館) and rode on the rocking horses made of cardboard (= stiff paper). As you can see, we really had a wonderful time during our "outing" today!
