2014年5月1日 星期四

I Pray for My Father -- 重讀《生日禮讚》


Dear Lord, I pray over and over again for my father, who has been sick and suffering for months. As you well know, I as well as my brothers and sisters (and our mom) have been so worried about his health. He remains in a serious condition even at this very moment, but according to the doctors, he should leave the hospital and be taken home today. [Having stayed in the hospital for 28 days, he is now given no other examination or treatment but some oral medication, so he should be taken home-- Doctors advised.] I am glad that he's now "much more stable" as doctors stated. Yet it is obviously too difficult for him to return home and be taken care of by my siblings and me. He has to return to the Green Pine nursing home, instead. Oh, Lord God, you are almighty and you know everything. Let me turn to you for help. I'm earnestly praying for my father and all his family. May your love and mercy be our blessings always! May your Holy Spirit be my true comfort and great help, granting me strength and courage that I do need, so that I can visit my father frequently and regularly, from now on! Amen.


如今四十年過去了,父親已然年邁體衰,行動不便,且頻頻因病住院。前些日子,人在加護病房中,情況一度危急,全家大小都焦急萬分。也就在這前後 28 天的住院期間,醫師們發現並證實了父親的病因,不僅是「年邁體衰/自然老化」的現象而已,而是 . . . .。依照健保相關規定,醫師指示今天辦理出院手續,而我們只能雇車接父親回「青松護理之家」靜養。預約下週一 (5/5) 回診。下週一,農曆四月七日,正是父親的生日。我們能像去年、前年那樣,快快樂樂地慶祝嗎?顯然難矣!然而,對於父親這樣一個「平凡中蘊含偉大」的長者,我的內心敬佩萬分,更有許多讚美及感恩。今日重讀四十年前所寫的《生日禮讚》,心中那種深刻的感受,依然存在,絲毫未減!
