2014年10月5日 星期日

Bishop Thomas Ely Comes to St. James' Church Again


About 60 of the 210 Bishops and their spouses who had come from USA to attend the Episcopal Church House of Bishops Meeting (held in Taipei from Sept. 17 through 23) came to visit St. James' Church, in Taichung, on Thursday, September 18, 2014. Bishop Thomas Ely (bishop of the Diocese of Vermont, USA) was one of them. He promised to come to St. James' again on the first Sunday in October.

And now he was with us, celebrating Holy Eucharist at the English language service and then joining the Coffee Hour after the service. But he would stay with us in the Coffee Hour for just a few minutes, because he had planned to participate in the Mandarin service as well, which starts at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday morning.

Note: The first photo below was taken 
by our rector, Rev. Philip Lin, on September 18, 
while the others were taken this morning when he was with us!
