2014年12月4日 星期四

完美的打破?-- Oh! The Eleventh Ticket I've Received


唉!今天我花了新台幣三千元 打破了原有的十全十美 . . . . .

唉! (感嘆詞  Interjection, used as "sentence modifier.")
今天 (時間副詞 Adverb, showing when to do something.)
(主詞 Subject of the sentence.)
花了 (動詞 Main verb, with the particle "了" at the end to mean the completion of the action.)
新台幣三千元 (受詞,或稱賓語 Object of the sentence, meaning "NT$3,000" here. "新台幣" can be regarded as an adjective modifying "三千元", the amount of money that I've spent today!)
打破了 (本句的「謂語」中,修飾 主要動詞 +賓語,有副詞作用的「動賓片語」的一部分,此部分作「動詞」用 Part of the adverbial phrase, meaning "to break" or the like. The particle "了" is added to mean the completion of the action.)
原有的 (上述「動賓片語」的一部分,此部分作「形容詞」用 Part of the adverbial phrase, meaning "original/previous.")
十全十美 (前述「動賓片語」的一部分,此部分作「(抽象) 名詞」用 Part of the adverbial phrase, meaning "perfection.")
. . . . . (表示語意 並未完整表達有待進一步說明 的標點符號 A punctuation mark . . . by which I mean I'll have more to say, but I'm not saying it right now!)
