2015年7月15日 星期三

羅布森書蟲房 (Lobsang Books)


在「探索迷宮」用餐之後,我們來到「羅布森 書蟲房」喝下午茶 ----- 不!是下午咖啡才對。

After having lunch at Research Labyrinth, we came to Lobsang Books for afternoon tea -- Oh, no, it was "afternoon coffee" instead.


Obviously, Jean had a good time chatting with her good friends of Four Degrees C, a musical group which she and they all belong to. But I enjoyed myself reading a book of fiction in the Lobsang Reading Corner (where there are quite a few books displayed for visitors to read from). I chose to read Selection of Taiwanese Fiction under Japanese Rule, and the fascinating stories in that book made me forget about myself. I was totally unaware of who and where I was, while I was reading!

感想:「羅布森 書蟲房」的確是個好地方,改天可以再來拜訪!

I suppose that Lobsang Books is really a good place to visit -- and to revisit!
